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Master Lasky

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  1. i just finished watch HALO FUD for the 5th time and about to watch it a sixth time

    1. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Why? It was good, but watching the same movie multiple times in a row will make it stale.

  2. I dont think anyone should care how hard the halo campaigns were i mean the more you failed the more time you spent playing halo its a win win situation and for me i could care less how hard it is
  3. For all new Halo fans Do you think that watching Halo 4 Forward Unto Dawn was a great way to get you up in running in the world of halo and even if this is not the way you became a halo fan then my question for you is how did you become halo fans?? You Dont have to be new halo fans you can be a veteran halo fan or a rookie halo fan it doesnt matter
  4. when it comes to a topic like this there are 2 kinds of people the people who like to side with the majority of people because one they are smart enough to know everyone will be happy if everyone agrees and then there are people who think its a good idea to speak their mind and only think about defending themselves when it really does not matter as much as they think it does
  5. This is the first time i had ever thought about doing something surrounding halo wether it be a game or movie or cartoon and let me tell you this was the best movie surrounding video games i have ever seen and it gives me a new respect for the movie because it felt like i was right there throughout the entire movie and it was probably the only movie that made me tear up when hastati squad members died and no other movie has done that so i thank you 343 industries and microsoft for making something that not only indulges the current halo lovers but indulges the new halo lovers who are beggining to emerge because of this movie so with this conclusion i tottaly agree that MASTER CHIEF HAS PAID HIS DUES and he is probably the most popular video game character today so i think halo should have come before max payne or any other stupid video game movies because in my opinion this is the best video game movie i have ever watched
  6. hey sparky how do i shout i am a new member and kinda confused

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