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Grunt (1/19)



  1. Hello, my clan is not yet big never have a lot to offer, if you takes this invite you would be high in command, also we are as well a mature clan, are clam nand is the Rangers, and we hope to see you soon, of you are intrested send me a message.
  2. Thank you for clicking on the ranger clan, we are a relatively small clan, but hope to be big very soon, we would like to say that we are now looking for calm members for are halo 4 clan;the only requirements are. You're not in an another clan, you MUST have a mic, no hacks cheats or mods, and you get on halo regularly. We are a clan that aims To be the best but we also have fun, if you're one of the first few people to join are clan,you will be put in a high ranking posttion.If you would like to try out send a message on Xbox live to TXxHEaDshO7xX7,or Mr Finalist,Make sure you put in the message you would like to try out for ranger clan. Hope to see some of you real soon!!! P.S if you have any problems, or can't reach Thoes people's gamer tags, just send me a message on here, and I will work quickly and diligently to fix your problem, or help you get In touch with the clan.
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