She is stll alive! Dr.Halsey is still alive. If you saw H5 trailer, and saw her chip, hes probably thinkinng anout to take it to Dr.Halsey and Dr.Halsey could fix her. It wouldnt surprise me if Cprtana turns human, but still keep her smartness and her computer stuff. I mean she is a smart A.I. and dr.halsey is still alive so that means cortana could possibly be alive, just need a lottle fix. Even 343 has major clues that she is inded possibly alive. Check out the video Cortana is NOT dead. Picture shows cortana with a bog X. Close my case as solved.
It is deeply sad. But i dont agree with him that if Cortana was alive it wwould stop john-117 from turning human. Choef jas burden on his shoulders. Idk, ut he may loved her. Cortana was his mission. Make sure to keep her safe. He failed, but he had a very good relation to her. Ina way both were turning human. That is why i dont agree with Truth.