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Cortana UNSC A.I..!

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Everything posted by Cortana UNSC A.I..!

  1. i might be doing it at 9:00 or Tomorrow EARLY in the morning..... My webcam is not working right i have to fix it beofre my audition lines and please email my friend her auditon lines of the Scientist, at [email protected] thank you!

  2. My friend Cortana UNSC, would like to auditon......... as the scientist, her email is [email protected] she doesnt have an microphone but she is going to do either th ewebcam or my aunt's phone method. Thank You, for understanding and please email her she wants to be in it very badly..!
  3. Do you have Halo 3? Please check my fourm and play halo with me on the JULY 10th....thnx and please add me!

  4. By any chance do you have Halo 3 if you do please play Halo with me at 7:00p.m Central time zone with my ther friends that might come....thank you for reading this.

  5. Any request acceptances? If you cant make it on the 10th, you can tell me and well rescheudule maybe on the next day...
  6. actually i like it but srsly cortana dead wow...cliffhanger alive or dead? okay ill cya l8ters cortana were gonna have a sleepover..

  7. I agree save halo 3! Awesome idea on the thread ill post one like then direct the viewers to this thread!
  8. Ill be playing, ill come over from my house and well play local! XD
  9. On July 10th, your destiney awaits of the alltime champion. Your spartan, John-117-master cheif- is up for the job, Cortana silently watching as an audience. You are Luck. The mission is six rounds of matchmaking. I will keep track of the points cortana-style XD! The bonus round, 7, contains either forge or Custom Games on Sandtrap, Valhallas, or other maps...you vote! You may ask what age is allowed? Well any but even though my mom doesnt allow it, i agree if you accept this invite you add me but you do not say any cussing! Or immediantly banned from my gameing invites unless your forgiven. I give 3 warnings if worse cussing, banned automaticly! If you guys dont wanna do matchmaking lets do a vote for forge or Custom Games. Well, do you wanna risk your destiney? Winner takes all, 2nd place- hmm.you made my day and Cortana's, 3rd- I managed to smile- i made lil kids ranks so, people will smile on youtubem the ranks are from Cortana if she never even died, shed be smiling like crazy and make cool remarks amd quotes as usual! You in it to win it? ___________add me MissSelena592______________________fourm by Cortana UNSC A.I..!_______________________! "They let me pick, did i ever tell you that? Choose whichever spartan i wanted. You know me. I did my research. Watched you as you became the soldier we wanted you to be. Like the others, you were strong and swift and brave. A natural leader. But you had something they didnt. Something no one saw......but me. Can you guess? Luck. Was I wrong?"
  10. First thing you wannando is when you sawn, go badkwards 8 steps, turn around and you might find a really good, high spade where nobody can see you, once you do that, if you see a sniper get it! Go back to the spot wait and then crouch. 2. Shoot z'em crazaaaay! 3. If that method doewnt work and die like a termenator malfunctioned and never knew it, well here is another method i have for you. If you shoot at their feet they will aim lower to your legs, if they do shoot at the neck or the arm, its close to the heart and and a headshot. 4. If the trick doesnt workl ask my nextdoor neighbor her username is Cortana UNSC on tuis website! !
  11. Whats on my mind you ask? well its just that Cortana died and i soon mourn for her come-back on Halo. I wish if Halo 5 or 6 she comes back from the nelp of Dr.Halsey who finds the chip and repairs. I only have Halo 3 so anybody want to play witth me? Im one HUGE Halo FAN!! okay so im grounded maybe until wedensday.............. so add me: MissSelena592

    1. Cortana UNSC A.I..!

      Cortana UNSC A.I..!

      Well actually i am grounded until July 10th. Ok lets play some halo!

    2. The Silenced

      The Silenced

      Yes... Bring back the naked A. I., so she can suffer again.

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