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Everything posted by GoodGuy

  1. From all of art, gameplay, and storyline, it looks and sounds like an amazing game. I don't want to judge it before I play it though, they haven't shown us a lot (which is good, it keeps you interested and wanting more). I want to play it and learn how everything works, what is not balanced and is. I can't judge a game just from a demo at E3. They obviously will probably change a lot of stuff. I mean, they still have until 2014, right? But from what we have now, it looks like bungie has created another awesome game and franchise. Keep up the work, bungie!
  2. I think the next halo should have a lot of replayability. Once I was finished the campaign, I didn't even want to touch it anymore... The multiplayer just overall made me mad, because if you lacked skill it didn't matter because all you had to do was spam stickies and boltshot, therefore making it lack replayability and having more of a repetitive feel. But anyways, I think 343 should be a little bit more creative with 1. Maps (symmetry, it always felt like one side had an advantage) 2. Challenges (instead of killing 50 players, it could be try and get a triple kill with a pistol) 3. Playlists ( I was honestly surprised they didn't put a classic slayer pro playlist in). I realize that this was their first game (it doesn't help that Microsoft rushed them, therefore they couldn't get done with what they planned) (there were apparently some type of script for the VIP game). But they took away a lot of things I enjoyed that bungie created (and worked well). Like you said with the equipment in halo 3, they pretty much got rid of that. One thing that didn't work at all was load outs. They absolutely ruined every power weapon in the game. For example, just today I was playing a game where my enemy had a shotgun, and even though you would think that it is more powerful, I still killed him with a boltshot, and that is something you can spawn with! I think 343 should look at how the gameplay worked in halo 3 and go from there. I was honestly disappointed with the multiplayer. I also think firefight should make a return, it was what got me into halo. I had a blast from my first game on firefight on ODST. But to see them take it away was just awful. Firefight was one of those things, there was no real objective. All you did was absolutely destroy covenant! That is what made it fun for me. But yea, those are my opinions.
  3. Just get rid of the DMR, and make matchmaking more balanced. For example, get rid, or nerf load outs to the point where you can't spawn with sticky grenades, and maybe get rid of the boltshot. I have had countless numbers of times where my enemy had a shotgun and even though he had the better weapon, i still killed him with something that you can spawn with..... honestly, why not just put shotguns in the load outs if you are going to put the boltshot in? With, the sticky grenades, all you have to do, to destroy a warthog is spam both of the sticky grenades. I rarely see anybody getting into a vehicle and getting a lot of kills due to this. Also, whenever i try and pummel (and kill), you know what the first thing the enemy does? He turns around and throws a sticky. Therefore, without any skill, killed me even though he barely did anything. With the hole symmetrical map part, i completely agree with this. In most maps i see in halo 4, there is always an advantage to one of the sides. Now even though i definitely haven't played much of halo 3 (multiplayer). I can pick that game up and have an amazing time with it, because there were preset load outs, you had to actually go to where the sticky grenades spawned to get them, and if you had a power weapon, the only thing the enemy could do was barely damage your shields. 343, if you don't make the way halo used to be, then you have just lost another loyal fan.... and $60
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