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  • Location
    A Whale, The Pacific Ocean.
  • Interests
    Halo, WW2 History, Politics and Movies.

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Drone (3/19)



  1. Granted. Now everyone sits inside and do nothing but listen to bad music from 1999. Happy? I wish to learn french, travel back in time and speak witn Napolean Bonaparte .
  2. Banned for thinking Caboose is all mighty. How do you know some hobo on the street isn't the real all mighty being?
  3. Granted. You are made a moderator that can't do anything but have a flashy blue name. I wish for an P-40 Warhawk.
  4. Everyone, DEMAND this resurrection! If we succeed there will many cookies. (>'-')> @
  5. Granted. You are now immortal but feel pain still. I wish for a steak sandwhich.
  6. Granted. So it rips all your limbs off before tearing your head in two and eating your brain. Also it tore your spine out of your mouth. I wish North American cops weren't so racist.
  7. Banned because for treason on the account that you're speaking with a traitor.
  8. I hate people who whine when the enemy gets scarabs. If it's a private match tis their fault as they laid no rule down saying "No Scarabs" and if it's a Matchmaking match they just outright suck and need to learn that as a covie getting Scarabs is inevetable.
  9. Granted. So he takes part in the pain olympics. I wish for a Tiger tank. (Or a Panzerkampfwagen Mark VI, if you wanna get technical.)
  10. Name: Joseph A. Welders Occupation: UNSC Marine (Radio Operator) Armour: Standard UNSC Marine armor, but with a slight plasma burn on the left kneepad. Facial features: Brown hair with Hazel eyes. Also a few small cuts and scrapes. Equipment/Weapons: Backpack with a semi-operable condition radio kit and a few left over rations. A Shotgun (Only a few shells spare) and a Magnum. Plus one UNSC Frag grenade. Backstory/History: Being fascinated by communication technology as he grew up, Joseph enlisted in the marine corps age 22. He has seen battles waged on Harvest and taken part in the civillian evacuation effort on Arcadia. A noteworthy action on Arcadia earned him a Purple Heart and a promotion to Corporal. The action of bravery he achieved was where a Zealot was slaughtering civillians, so the Marine charge it. He pumped at least three AR Magazines into it, and as he did so the marine got his left knee scathed by the sword. Is everything alright here?
  11. Top 10 World War II Tanks: 1: King Tiger 2: KV-1 3: Tiger I 4: Panzer IV 5: M4 Sherman 6: T-34 7: Crusader 8: Matilda 9: Panzer III 10: Char B1 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tanks_in_World_War_II ^Look at this if you want to know what some of these are^
  12. Is Rise of the Spartans Halo related? If so, Archangel. Because epic war speeches and a dramatic death. If not, Linda 058. She's so cool! Who else can you name that has shot a sniper rifle at brutes whilst hanging upside down by a rope?
  13. Greyhound - Swedish House Mafia. Get Lucky - Daft Punk Numerous Polish electronica tracks. Yup. I like music.
  14. Grunt versions of PETA? GROaS? Grunt Rights Organization and Stuff?
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