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Everything posted by Eisenhower

  1. Granted, now even the most minor and simple sound will become a sonic boom. I wish to travel back in time and speak with Erwin Rommel!
  2. Granted. But the hammer has such gravitational manipulative powers that it flings you into a river with a submarine in it which proceeds to murder you via high exsplosive torpedoes. I wish for an M4 Sherman tank that I can drive to Burger King.
  3. Since when were ponies bipedal creatures? SCIENCE! Provide answers to meh!
  4. Enemy Shipmaster: 343iBot AI: Self Destruct Gravemind: Caboose the Ace Crazy Driver: Azaxx Forerunner Spark: Mecha Death Rhino Shipmaster: The Kilburnator Commander: Victory Element Marine who throws a fit in the corner whenever he loses his squad or sees the flood: Eisenhower The Awesome One: The Gryffin.
  5. Has anyone thought of flood maps? Like a huge gravemind tentacle crushing players in a certain area. Or the infestation slowly grows on top of the map over the course of the match. Now that would be cool.
  6. Send everyone. "It" has begun. We're at war.
  7. Banned for banning someone who banned someone else that banned someone. So now I banned you for banning me so now you're banned. BOOM! BANCEPTION!
  8. This will be interesting: Welcome to Axis V Allies. Creative right? Here are the factions and rules - America - Economic Giant. Bonus - +1 Extra income per turn. Negative - Inexperienced units Infantry - Young and Inexperienced GIs. - Effective against infantry and okay against tanks. cost - 1 Fighter - P51 Mustang - Very effective against other aircraft. cost - 1 Bomber - B17 Flying Fortress - Extremely effective against all ground targets. cost - 2 Light tank - Stewart - Okay against other tanks and effective against infantry. cost - 1 Medium tank - Sherman - Effective against other tanks and very effective against infantry. cost - 1 Heavy tank - Pershing - Very effective against all ground targets. cost - 2 Rules: Please no spam. Keep posts on-topic. If you need to say something attache it to an on topic post. You may double post but please, you can edit. And no outright illogical posts like: My Sherman has jumped through slipspace and teleported to the enemy HQ and murdered everything. How to play: You recieve income every turn. You can use these points to Resupply existing units (eg. refuel tanks and air craft or re-arm infantry), send out new units or not spend and save up. You recieve 2 Income every turn. America recieves 3. Every match I will choose a WW2 Battlefield to fight on. And matches will last 48 Hours. To win you must capture the enemy HQ with infantry, bomb it until they surrender or blow it up with armor. The factions are: Germany - America - UK - Russia Factions last until the end of the match. When one starts every player will pick a faction. Germany - Technology Powerhouse Bonus - Highly advanced units. Negative - Exspensive units. Infantry - Grenadier - Very effective against infantry and okay against tanks. cost - 1 Fighter - Messerschmits or ME-109 - Very effective against all other air. cost - 2 Bomber - Stukah dive bomber - Very effective against all ground targets. cost - 2 Light tank - Panzer III - Okay against all ground targets. cost - 1 Medium tank - Panzer IV - Effective against tanks and okay against infantry. cost - 2 Heavy tank - Tiger - Very effective against all ground targets. cost - 3 Effect scale: Ineffective (little to no effect) - Poor (little effect) - Okay (somewhat effective) - Effective (Notable effect) - Very Effective (Heavy Damage) - Extremely Effective (Absolutely Slaughtered) - I plan to add the UK and Russia later. Have fun!
  9. Banned for going back in time and doing 9/11 in the year 1989.
  10. Ershmergawsh a robot rhino. Holy jeebus he fires nukes out of his horn!
  11. Correction: Team Pwnage and Bad Rap Music.
  12. Hello there. I'm looking for 3 other players to join a 3 v 3 me and 2 friends are wanting to start. If you want to join just enter your GTag and Halo Wars Rank. Eg: GT SunnieShades. Rank - Major. Thanks for reading. See you on the battlefield.
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