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Miky 137

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Everything posted by Miky 137

  1. Well this is meant to be more of a petition than a topic cause I don't know how to do that but anyway I was looking at some deleted content in halo games and there is a lot of stuff and I thought that maybe I could try to make a petition to convince 343 to take more time on halo 5 and add in all that content that was meant to be in halo CE halo 2 halo 3 halo reach as well as halo 4 and anything they plan to put in halo 5 if they did that they would be as successful as they are now but they would feel so much better if they managed to put in all the content they meant to so if you guys could help me with that that would be great
  2. hey im gonna tell you right now that what really broke multiplayer was promethean vision ya the dmr and br are a bit overpowered its not as bad since the recent nerf but promethean vision is what is ruining multiplayer theres that and bad map layouts and just think of how multiplayer would be if the teleporting armor ability made it into the game oh and the fact that they added ordanances makes it overpowering I mean what can you do on big team infinity when half the team has rocket launchers its just ridiculous
  3. Miky 137


    Ya well that is no excuse for custom games or forge and thank you ledgend1221 see people agree with me and if 343 really listened to the community we would have another 3 third of the community on halo 4 right now see its stupid stuff like this that ruins their reputation
  4. Miky 137


    Okay this is a question for 343 employees only and maybe anyone with a great knowledge of this subject why did they remove elites and don't say its because of the war games story because that is just an excuse we havent had elites in multiplayer since halo 3 (besides invasion in halo reach) I would just like to know the real reason.
  5. Okay their was no saying on how large the rupture was and I just relized cortana was on the didact so where did he go into the rupture so explain that zuko
  6. Yes, but where is the ship going through the slipspace so fragments of cortana will go with it.
  7. Here is a question for you guys to speculate. What really happened to cortana I relize that she is presumed dead but is that really the case. Note what she said when she was talking to john the last in halo 4 "Most of me is down there" Cortana to John. Now when she says down there she is referring to below the composer which is still collapsing with her data in it so what is below the composer if you pay attention to the commentary of the gamplay you will notice her mention that there is a slipspace rupture below the composer. So when she says most of her is down there she means inside the slipspace rupture and if you guys remember Dr. Halsey theory about AIs no needing a storage while in splipspace I do not exactly what this means but im guessing it means she can prolong the effects of rampancy. so guys tell me your theories and ideas and if you this is a possibility.
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