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  1. The bridge right infront of the blue spawn has a lip/bump
  2. Blok 2.0 -Long sight lines blocked -Sides Balanced
  3. A sprint jump off the strut, it's a risk vs reward situation
  4. I'm very interested in classic roman architecture, so columns, arches, vaulted ceilings are a common thing on my maps, also who's gonna be in the 1v1 tourney
  5. I'll take a look at it, thanks!
  6. Symetrical 4-12 Players Download Thanks to all who test, comment, and give feedback
  7. I looked at the pics I think the shallow ramp sculpture is what gives off the narrow effect
  8. When we played this the my felt great, I picked up the layout fast and it had good flow The only thing that I thick could change for the better is by the sticky cave, that hallway felt a bit to narrow, also it seemed that 75% of the match that's where the fighting occurred, but when the rocks, or snipes spawned it shifted there than came back to the hall Other than that I really enjoyed the map and will keep a copy of it If you ever want to get a group together and test strict competitive maps give me a ring
  9. We played blok not astro Updated links -2x BRs -2x ARs -Removal of unnecessary walls -Better sight line blockers added
  10. Thanks glad you like it,A lot of the walls that you commented on we're last ditch efforts to make line of sight blockers, I wasn't to sure about weather I would keep them because I do think it looks tacky, but I had very little budget left
  11. 4-10 Players Asymetrical Playes Team and FFA Gametypes(the ones above) Download Oversheild - 240 Sec. Rockets Launcher - 180 Sec. Sniper Rifle - 120 Sec. 2x DMR - 60 Sec. 4x Battle Rifle - 45 Sec. 2x Assault Rifle - 30 Sec. Plasma/Frag/Pulse Grenade - Random Download I would love to hear lots of feedback and get some tests going!
  12. Wow! Thanks for playing a game on the map, I'm assuming that you played the non updated version, I've been really busy lately and haven't had time to forge, but I did get an updated version in my file share for the most common issues that the community and I both found, I've updated the link in the post to the new version, highly suggest playing some objective games, thanks again!
  13. Links are up to date with the current version! -colored blocks -lights/ATM aesthetics -fixed spawn issue
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