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Status Replies posted by Leonanders

  1. Well... i'm falling behind in the Global Tourny... but i'm to busy to care. :3

    1. Leonanders


      Lol, if i tried i could be higher up i was like 2000 earlier now i'm 4000

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Got a halo question? I'm the guy to answer it.

  3. Anyone got tips on surviving Lone Wolf on Legendary for a long time? On every other level, and on Firefight, I tear through any enemy other than Hunters, high-power Brutes, and Wraiths like butter, but on that level I rarely get more than 5 kills.

    1. Leonanders


      i went for two hours just running around with assault rife, turret. and weapons they dropped... it wasnt easy but you run around kill one run kill one ect ect. lol

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. Why can't the chapions bungle come out on aug 15? it would be like a birthday gift from 343i. :3

  5. Why can't the chapions bungle come out on aug 15? it would be like a birthday gift from 343i. :3

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