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Status Updates posted by Leonanders

  1. You know you're a techy when have a backup computer incase your backup computer dies. :/

  2. Well... i'm falling behind in the Global Tourny... but i'm to busy to care. :3

    1. Leonanders


      Lol, if i tried i could be higher up i was like 2000 earlier now i'm 4000

    2. BeckoningZebra1
  3. I feel accomplished fixed my computer, finished two halo 4 Forge maps, and made cookies. :3

    1. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      You had me at cookies. :3

  4. Ok... i'm never letting anyone else but me fix my computer from now on... the guy (from a company) stole almost all the screws from me. :/ but i had spares. :3

  5. Finally got my website published i'm so happy. :3

    1. The Stig

      The Stig

      Nice :)



  6. Why can't the chapions bungle come out on aug 15? it would be like a birthday gift from 343i. :3

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