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Posts posted by Leonanders

  1. as some constructive criticism, you should learn how to lower the weapons of your characters when they are not in combat. I believe that this can only be done when in system link mode, with some complicated button combination. It is just a minor detail that could make these look more professional

    yes i knew the combo but 343 changed it cause it used to done just in cutoms game mode.... now i know how to do it.

  2. But how is it even possible? Control hardlight all you want he just punched a nuke. His hand is literally in contact with the center of the bomb.



    Frickin 343.


    Chief has survived much... but i doubt even he could survive it... something else had to have happened. :/ but what it was... is a mystery.

  3. Another thought i had on what i wish could be in but probably not, if elites do come back in campaign they should have the two factions of them the ones who stayed with the Covenant and the Seperatists (Sangheli army) and the seperatitists need to have Traditional Sanghelian armor like Harka from Halo: Legends. http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/Harka this would make for some amazing gameplay, elites vs elites.

    • Like 1
  4. This is an idea thats been rolling around in my head since i saw the Forging The Future's image on their topic and i got to thinking what if i made a whole novel themed around halo... but used screenshots from the game and my own image editing ability and this is the first page result... kinda poor quality but it's more or les just a concept right now.0l6m.png


    Please leave feedback as to if you'd like to see a cleaner version of this and more or otherthings that could be improved on.

    • Like 1
  5. Well, the Forerunners have the ability to generate Hardlight Shields which have a physical form instead of just being composed of holographic light like regular human technology, so perhaps it's the same with Cortana's 'bodies'. They do emerge from the light bridge, after all, and that's perfectly solid.

    Thank you for posting this i put it in shoutbox and didn't want to have to edit another post or create a new one. :)

  6. Well... from my knowlege of cortana and forerunners, forerunners are able to make tangible data, (hence the prometheans) and it makes sense that a piece of data (cortana) could interact with a forerunner on a physical level... but over all a good question.

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  7. These two maps are in a small collection of maps i decided to make, and they are places i believe the UNSC Could have built on Requiem.


    The first map is called Infiltration and there are two of them in my fileshare one is Free For All only and the other has no spawns for those who wish to make the map for other game modes, It makes use of the halo 4 Trait Zones and has a gravity displacer that reduced gravity with in it's range.c9jf.png








    The second Map is called Signal and is my own personal spin off of halo 2's Ascention.









    And there you have it... my two maps.

  8. I honestly think This would have been a good thing maybe in 20-40 years But not now when Less then half the world has internet currently and internet as is already so unstable. the game issue was totaly useless in my eyes to me it sounded like once xbox server close you Lose all your stuff Which is completely unfair i purchased a game not rights to the game for a limited time.


    Well like i said idk why they wanted that internet thing to pass it makes no sense to me cause you are correct, but they fixed it, no matter the reason, and even though they still want us online once i'm sure that will change cause like i said before, you anger the buyer, you won't sell so over alll my opinion is thing about why they did what they did instead of how it will effect me cause they are only trying to improve themselves even if some people don't agree with it.

  9. Here's an exact exact quote from your source. "They would be trained in companies of 300 to 330 at a time, and then sent on suicide missions that the UNSC could not accomplish even with the elite Orbital Drop Shock Troopers." 

    Yes but that quote is taken out of context, those missions were attempted by ODST's not other spartans, and from a normal human admiral a mission like that is a suicidal one but the two's were trained to blow themselves up. ALL spartan when i suicidal missions.

  10. Spartan ops was a good idea but they need to put more into the story cause like Tucker said they were lacking in some aspects of it, and maybe showing how somethings in campaign truly linked to it, like put Crimson team through some of the campaign maps before chief was there, EXAMPLE When you had to make your way to infinity through the forest, Crimson should have been send on a reconnaissance mission or something, idk i am not a script writer. lol

  11. damage has been done in my eyes we saw there true colors. they haven't changed on the camera stuff which means they can watch you Lol. xD think i'm gonna ride out with the cheaper console because it looks better but ill wait untill after they come out This time i wont be caring so much about exclusives because halo gears are failing very hard now.

    I understand how you feel even though i have no idea about why they did the online all the time the disk thing was to stop all the bootlegging and i've said since they started that policy, "It is not gonna last." cause even though they tend to be uncaring Microsoft knows if you make the consumer mad you won't sell anything.

  12. The non-Xbox challenges can always be attempted using emulators; Kaizo Mario can't be played any other way since it isn't a legitimate game on a cartridge. Finding a working NES and the Ninja Gaiden trilogy would be quite difficult to find nowadays, since they all came out over twenty years ago.

    That's why i keep my working NES in a special secret place so my brothers don't get to it. :3

  13.  No, they called the Spartan-III's suicide squads. The Spartan-II's were meant to survive and keep fighting. That's why the Spartan-II's got the Mjolnir armor and were trained from the age of 6, while the Spartan-III's got the SPI armor and a few years of training. And in Reach they didn't send Kat, Carter, or any of the others because Noble Six and Jorge were the only ones and the ship and Jorge literally threw Six off it to make sure that he (SIx) survived.

    Well if the others were suicidal squads they could have com on the pelican, and Jorge and Six could have flown away from the ship in their sabre like all the marines, and John 117 is a Spartan III and if you read up on his bios 3's were the ones taken at age 6 and had the Mjolnir armor as well as the Spartan II's and Kat, Carter, Noble 6, June,  and i've never seen a full Spartan III team go into a situation in which they could not escape unless something happened to change plans, such as on the covenant ship with Jorge and Noble 6, and honestly the Spartan II's were suicide squads but it got too costly to send them out so they stopped it and this is why the Spartan III's could never have been suicide squads their armor cost more to make than the Spartan II's, and really ALL spartans were trained to survive and if that wasn't a practicle option they were to try and eliminate as many hostiles as possible.


    source for spartan III in mjolnir armor (read the second paragraph under the purpose section, and for other references supporting my side of our argument read the 3rd paragraph of purpose this paragraph states that they III's were trained to survive better than the II's)


  14.  No, the Spartan-II's were not suicide squads. They had the most improvements of any of the Spartan programs. The Spartan-III's were suicide squads. And the Spartan-IV's have to be enhanced a lot or they wouldn't be able to wear the Mjolnir armor without shattering every bone in their body.




    As i said read the book Ghosts of Onyx, then quote to me what they called the Spartan II's rougly half way through, and if that was true why didn't they send Kat, Carter, or June with six to detonate the bomb for Jorge was a II as stated before and i should restate what i said priar the II's were suicide squads only against the human inserectionist's, this is when they.


    But in all honesty with all the mission ever Spartan generation when through they are technically all suicide squads, thier odds usually are 1-5 on OH MY GOD THERES MORE OF THEM

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