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Everything posted by Leonanders

  1. That's why i keep my working NES in a special secret place so my brothers don't get to it. :3
  2. Well if the others were suicidal squads they could have com on the pelican, and Jorge and Six could have flown away from the ship in their sabre like all the marines, and John 117 is a Spartan III and if you read up on his bios 3's were the ones taken at age 6 and had the Mjolnir armor as well as the Spartan II's and Kat, Carter, Noble 6, June, and i've never seen a full Spartan III team go into a situation in which they could not escape unless something happened to change plans, such as on the covenant ship with Jorge and Noble 6, and honestly the Spartan II's were suicide squads but it got too costly to send them out so they stopped it and this is why the Spartan III's could never have been suicide squads their armor cost more to make than the Spartan II's, and really ALL spartans were trained to survive and if that wasn't a practicle option they were to try and eliminate as many hostiles as possible. source for spartan III in mjolnir armor (read the second paragraph under the purpose section, and for other references supporting my side of our argument read the 3rd paragraph of purpose this paragraph states that they III's were trained to survive better than the II's) http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/SPARTAN-III_Program
  3. Actually based on what happened in this link they resersed a lot of policy's everyone is complaining about CLICK---> http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/06/19/microsoft-reversing-xbox-one-internet-used-game-policies <----CLICK
  4. As i said read the book Ghosts of Onyx, then quote to me what they called the Spartan II's rougly half way through, and if that was true why didn't they send Kat, Carter, or June with six to detonate the bomb for Jorge was a II as stated before and i should restate what i said priar the II's were suicide squads only against the human inserectionist's, this is when they. But in all honesty with all the mission ever Spartan generation when through they are technically all suicide squads, thier odds usually are 1-5 on OH MY GOD THERES MORE OF THEM
  5. These are updated images of my map, i used Zan's Map Marker resources for this map.
  6. As a structural piece it's really nice, but as Tucker said you should involve more objects in the map then it would be quite ingenious cause i applaud your use of the enviorment, that is a problem when forging on most maps the terrain just does not want to cooperate. so over all as it stands i give it a 7 out of 10.
  7. i made a topic with the trailer your talking about i believe. http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/30097-what-are-your-thoughts-on-the-halo-5-teaser-trailer/ This is the link to my topic... hope this helps.
  8. Well to get a job at 343 (or any gaming developer) you need to know where you want to go into, game developement, story creation, programing, Graphics and design, ect... i personally am going into programing, but i have a little bit of 3D graphics under my belt aswell as some creative ideas from when i used to want to be a writer I even wrote some small Halo fanfics (they were not the greatest lol). So where you should begin as deciding what part of video game developement you enjoy the most, and from there go to college for it, and then possibly get a job at 343 no gaurantees though not everyone will get the job they desire.
  9. No, as far as the halo story goes, the spartan IV's are just average marines whoes abilities are only slightly altered compared to chief and othe original spartan they are average hieght, average build, and had to be Black Water Ops or ODST to become a spartan. Also they did not have quite as much training as thier predicesors. And only spartan II's were suicide squads I's and III's were super soldiers. This is explained in Ghost's of Onyx. Oh and only jorge was a Spartan II, Kat, Carter, Emile, June, and 6 were all spartan III's, hence is a contribution why they sent Jorge to deliver the bomb in reach as suicide was his prime directive.
  10. sorry while you were posting i was updating my post cause i was wrong, sorry bout that. Plus with out all the info and sources i did sound like an idiot. XD
  11. Cool, count me in, i'm free most the time and the days i'm not i'm free after 5 central time.
  12. Lol even if it wasn't THIS video was at E3 and it is a teaser hence does not have to be real halo 4 footage just something to get hype up. lol. and you are correct it was never spoken but this is a teaser for halo 2... even though that scene was never in halo 2, and mostly the arguement here is based on a quote from Phil Spencer “There was no ambiguity in not putting a number after the game. For me, what we showed wasn’t the game. Nobody should be confused on that. I didn’t really want to try to show something that was clearly a thought piece by the studio around where Master Chief is in his journey, and then drop the name after it and be somewhat disingenuous about that being the game.” So whether this was halo 5, halo 2, or Halo meets Capcom it is just something to catch peoples attention in the franchise. lol sources http://www.vg247.com/2013/06/26/halo-e3-teaser-wasnt-actually-halo-5-microsoft-discussing-halo-2-anniversary-says-spencer/ http://www.technobuffalo.com/2013/06/26/halo-teaser-at-e3-was-not-halo-5-halo-2-anniversary-in-talks/ I do my homework.
  13. Plus it just makes him look even more amazing, and shows off the 3D Graphics artist's abilities. It just isn't chief to care much about sand. lol
  14. Oh yeah they do, someone from bungie was going to make a whole translation dictionary, cause they made the whole language and made random quotes for the games (Halo 1, 4, and Reach were the ones to use this extensively).
  15. All the Spartans from 1 to 3 have much greater advancements on their natural abilities, it only seems like we're super human in MP cause chief or any other REAL spartans arn't there. @Zandril I agree about Kat's driving. Kat drove me off the same ledge 4 times in a row, but i still picked her.
  16. Why can't the chapions bungle come out on aug 15? it would be like a birthday gift from 343i. :3

  17. I haven't seen one of these on this site (sorry if there is one and i missed it) but here are some translations i have found in my search to speak to the Elites in Halo Reach. None of this was found on my own except by googleing it, and i am posting the ones who did all the hard work to give them credit for the amazing job they did finding all this information. This one is from chiefship from sinsoftheprophets 1. Words im sure they are right: ni' - not/ bad meaning/ broken or not working Yo(chu) - touching (that) Vo(chu) - eating (that) chu - that kiy - it wrof - he is griut - out Tharq - knocked Wruq - dead Aindu mwan - nice skraq- shot aq - hat yu - does Aue - alway at the beginning of a questen/ to start a question Aue - Does / Who / What / Where / ... She’nskro – energy blade Weui’a – Banshee fighter Shushua – plasma rifle Ququa – plasma pistol Skreeu – beam rifle Jijikree – needler Kukra – fuel rod gun Shriku – plasma grenade Sking - energy shields Krreeu – plasma cannon Omcraku – energy mortar Quen’ hiia – drop ship Heeu ni’ - deodorant Ei - I cha - bite krorjka - hurt Borggruml - hungry slee - need hwah - drink ei - me qworvuh - work(ing) Krikrikri - hurry Riok - you kri - can kiya - this And this one from the same site from the user LasyGee THE LETTER "A"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Apart - Krrijj Airlock - Ssskra Antigravity matrix - Wrrum Armor - Thugra Are - Oog ================================================================================= THE LETTER "B”BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Back - Skritz Banshee, banshee fighter - Weui'a Bar, a (food and drink - beer is a commonplace) - Hwahrethe Best - Huq Beg - Nearua Beam rifle - Skreeu Blow up, to, blowing up - Krakoomqwo Borrow, to - Freiu Bug/s - Zzi Better - Yiah ================================================================================= THE LETTER "C"CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC Can - Kri Chair - Gluvenk Channel - Shhka Clean - Benu Combat suit - Naionshi Come - Fruvax Controls - Tikita Could - Krunver Translates into Chocolate, Coco, or Cocoa, or something tasty - Mmna Combat - Naion Change - Wolos Check - Slee ================================================================================= THE LETTER "D"DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Damn - Fruqo't Dead - Wruq Deodorant - Heeu ni' Destruction - Krushex Reprogramming - Dididi (Or when stated plainly, programming) Disgusting - Bluagh Drink - Hwah Drop ship - Quen' hiia Do - Khu Does - Aeu yu Done, done with - Krowq Done, done this (Similar to Qworv and Kiya) - Kiyaqwo Draw – Shka Drop - Quen Dinner - Skwee Down - ni'Gwort Deserve - Jinohag ================================================================================= THE LETTER "E”EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Eat - Vochu Enemy - Gro'gragort Energy blade - She'nskro Energy mortar - Omcraku Energy shields - Sking Engine - Wuuan Eye of the Prophet - Ossoona EVA suit - Ssn'aionshi Excruciating - Krorj Explode - Krakooma Expect - Seian ================================================================================= THE LETTER "F"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Fault, error, a blunder - Ghuj Feel - Tugren Fire - Sha'fu Fix - Cangkwa Fix this - Cho Fierce, angry - Raragra For - Ib Fuel rod gun - Kukra Funny - Aruheh Fusion core - Jmma ================================================================================= THE LETTER "G"GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG Get, it - Raka Go - Wort Good - Boiaru ================================================================================= THE LETTER "H"HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Hairy - Scragz Hat - 'aq Hate - Grara Have - jiut/Qwor Have, to - Oox Helmet, my helmet - Oss mwak Hey - Re, Om'a Hide, hiding - Oss Hot - Grivwe Hold - Greshvo Hungry - Borggruml Hunting - krushea Hurry - Krikrikri Hurt - Krorjka Hurts - Krortjka ================================================================================= THE LETTER "I"IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII In - Gruis Idiot - Jrashta Instrument - Qukriw It - Muox / Cha It's - Yu "It's not" - Krort ================================================================================= THE LETTER "J"JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ <missing data/and or/nonexistent resources> ================================================================================= THE LETTER "K"KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK Knocked - Thurq to: Keep, lock, hide - Shunkj ================================================================================= THE LETTER "L"L L L L L L L L L LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL Late - Tikoxa Let - Hruh Look, look there, over there - Nurk Love - Monerasha ================================================================================= THE LETTER "M"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Makes - Kjuh Moves, move - Hino Much - Wolool Musician/s - Dririro ================================================================================= THE LETTER "N"NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Need - Slee Needler - Jijikree Needs - Jhuf Nice - Aindu ================================================================================= THE LETTER "O"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Odour, smell, smelly, stink, stinky - Heeu Off - Shu Out - Sheenxa/Grorx Overheating - Sha'qu ================================================================================= THE LETTER "P"PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP Pain - Krojkra Place - Rethe Poetry - Eyuoia Position - Nonshkir Pressurizing, presurized - Ss Plasma - Kreeu Plasma cannon - Krreeu Plasma grenade - Shriku Plasma pistol - Ququa Plasma rifle - Shushua Plasma Torpedoes - Kreeukana (Kreeu=Plasma, Kana=Torpedoes) ================================================================================= THE LETTER "R"RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Ridiculous - Snkchch (Similar to laughing in contempt, in terms of how it sounds) Rodent - Skwee ================================================================================= THE LETTER "S"SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Save - Hoah Say - Whuah Seen - Eix Shield - Skring Shoot - Skraq Shower - Rezigorj Sick - Brlong Sick, I'm - Blar groq Slipspace - Ohuanu Smells, stinks - Heeu yu So - Eia Stop - Thun Sister - Shiooah Suck/s - Kruhh Supervisor, A - Osssang Sure - Ghur ================================================================================= THE LETTER "T"TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Talk, to talk - Jafla Tank - Bluekro That - Wman / Chu "The" or "To the" - Kiv There - jiy Throw, To throw, out, to - Wa'hu Temple - Wheuhah Transport, usually a ship - Bulamde Trouble - Grah Trust - Quis'kre This - Kiya Tight, too tight - Eeng Torpedoes - Kana Touch - Yochu Touch, to - Thun Touching - Fen To - Ji (When coupled with adjectives, becomes "We") ================================================================================= THE LETTER "U"UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Unstable - Kraku Up - Gwort Unsure, not sure - Ny'kur ================================================================================= THE LETTER "V"VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV Vehicle - Quora Vibe, bad, bad feeling - Tugreacch ================================================================================= THE LETTER "W"WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Walk, to, in - Klaka (Klaka also translates into "Human" or "Humans" as it is commonly known amongst the Sangheilians that Humans are noisy & clumsy) Wear, to - Jinohag What - Aue Where - Rethe Whining - Fen fuex Who - Aeu Wield - Nor'chu Work - Qworv Work, the - Quor Working - Qworvah (Becomes "qworvuh" when following "Ni'") Wow - Wooh ================================================================================= THE LETTER "Y"YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY You, you're. (Used in conjucture with "hoh' " becomes "We") - Riok Your - Rioka ================================================================================= THE LETTER "Z"ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Bug, bugs – Zzi ===================================================
  18. Lol, even though it is GREAT how pewdiepie is doing this Markiplier was the first to do charity work with gaming comentary p.s. I'm not being mean cause............. i already donated a bit of cash. :3
  19. THIS POST CONTAINS SPOILERS SO IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE TRAILER HERE YOU GO!!!! I thought it looks impressive (even if i don't know why chief needs a cloak) and the large forerunner Raven (my name for it) looks pretty intense and i do hope that they bring back some of the greater aspects from previous halo games, playable elites, DUAL WIELDING!!!!, and preferably adding in some newer stuff like weapons, and such. Only thing i don't want from halo 3 to be in this one is the plastic armors but hornets should be back (or at least some kind of UNSC flying vehicle), and definetly the SMG needs to return.
  20. Oohh that's a good one Beckoning.
  21. How bout beat the last level of Halo: Reach! XD
  22. although i had a thought just this morning, why couldn't they make new textures and do the Halo Reach thing and allow you to select from 4 or 5 of them not the same but a step in the right direction (better than having each armor need to be unlocked for just a texture).
  23. I think it would be cool but the problem is it would take away from the halo universe, there would be no spartans (or else the humans would have won in the first place), and even though it would make a great game it would end like reach with your character dieing and that was one of my dislike about halo reach... the fact you knew how it ended, but i guess that was why they made it with the marketing add "From the begining you know the end). lol
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