So I'm trying to max out my Dominion wins commendation, and I only need 10 more wins.
The problem is, since the recent update that added the horrendous Lockdown gametype, I've won maybe 1 or 2 games.
Pretty much every single game I join is a Lockdown game, and since no one on my team ever know that the point is what gives you the win, it's entirely useless to even try.
If I see that the game is a Lockdown game, I instantly quit. It is the most useless and horrendous gametype I have ever played across all of the Halo games.
Today, I've "played" 10 games of Dominion. One of those games have been the proper Dominion gametype, the rest was Lockdown. Why do people keep voting for a playlist they don't know how to play? It just baffles me.