OK, so I have started playing Halo 4 again recently, and have noticed recently that the enemy AI always seems to know where your at. I have never been in a situation where I am completely "behind enemy lines". Some way or another, a really smart Elite just happens to turn around and notice me almost every time I try and sneak around. I have tested this a lot on Spartan Ops missions. Even with the Stealth upgrade, when ever I am about to assassinate an Elite, he just happens to turn around the instant I am just inches away. I get the Prometheans getting to know where your at because of their Promethean Vision, but I don't see why the Elites are able to know your position. Here's another example, I was playing on the Spartan Ops mission, "The VIP" and I had just got to the part where the Wraith had got dropped off, and I was getting repeatedly killed by it. So I decided to use Active Camo, Stealth, and AA Efficiency. I had gotten a good distance away from the enemy, turned my Active Camo on, and when I look through the scope, most if not ALL of the enemies were looking straight at me. They were just looking, they weren't shooting, they were just tracking my movements WHEN I WAS INVISIBLE. And I have been getting almost annoyed at how they seem to be omniscient. Does anyone else notice this?