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Shadow Legacy

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    Halo,Guitar,Machinima Body Acting, Hope to some day make my own Machinimas

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Grunt (1/19)



  1. I was wondering if you could help me with something.I recently purchased the halo 4 WGMP from amazon, it printed out a code, but it only gave me MP, no strider/scanner helmets were even mentioned. Then i went to download history and it didnt even show that it was downloaded. If you know whats Wrong PLEASE tell me!!!

    1. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Well I never payed over Amazon so I have no idea, but you should probably contact them about that, that shouldn't happen. :(

  2. Masterchief93 I have the exact same problem, if you do/have found the solution please tell me.
  3. Hi Hsadow, welcome to the community! :)

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