Name: Aaron Szürke
Age: 18 Physical Appearance: 5'10, dark hair, dark eyes, slightly tan skin, average build. Rank: Recruit Uniform: Olive Drab Battle Dress Uniform Birthplace: Reach - New Alexandria Personality: Passive and willing to learn. Background: Aaron never really thought much of what he'd do after Secondary/High School. After hearing from friends and family that many of his former classmates and close friends had enlisted with the UNSCDF, and were shipping off to training camps across the planet, Aaron couldn't help but feel a tinge of guilt in him. They were the same age as him, and they were willing to lay their lives on the line, even knowing that the Covenant were out there somewhere. Andrew was never one for taking risk, hell, he had never been in a fight before, but the knowledge that his friends would be out there fighting for their home eventually became too much. He may not be out there with them, but at least he could help make sure they had a home to come back to.
Skills: Familiar ENOUGH with firearms to shoot and reload them. Not much beyond that.