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Divine Samurai

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Everything posted by Divine Samurai

  1. 1) Dual wielding 2) Flood return (but make it scary like dead space) 3) Massive battles. I know everyone was disappointed on the halo reach level tip of the spear. Giant battle takes place but we didn't even engage in it...disappointment. 4) Opening cut scenes that correspond with each multiplayer game type. Such as slayer opening scene that shows you and your team Spartans falling from a drop pod, pelican or something. Something to hype the opening battle 5) Bring back invasion 6) Play as different royals in game types (ODST, elites, brutes, Prometheans, marines etc) sounds good with invasion 7) More customizable armor verity such as adding on tactical knives, ammo packs, place emblem where wanted, etc. we want to feel we can actually fully customize our Spartans the way we want. I want my Spartan to look like he's built for war. fully customizable flood armor, fully customable covenant armor, promethean armor, ODST armor, Marine armor. whoever we play as in whatever game type find a way to make each player customizable spartan color and armor stand out without confusion in multiplayer. We’ve see enough of blue vs. red which I love but I want to stand out more. 9) Different verity of beating campaign levels like sneaking threw assonating or guns blazing. Different routes or paths to give replay value 10) Bring back TRUE SKILL in multiplayer like halo 2 and 3 11) Bring back CLANS 12) a game type with more people for big team battles with huge maps. example 25 vs 25 with squads broken up into 5s each squad plays a role for the outcome of the whole team 13) Campaign should always give you a reason to replay. Skulls, hidden Easter eggs 14) I want to see more diverse multiplayer maps. Example a city map that actually looks and feels like a city with you in the middle. Not some back ally. I want to feel the halo universe around me lol 15) More diverse campaign levels like halo 2. 16) Give us weather. Storms, blizzards, sand storms, and etc in multiplayer. Something that makes the map feel alive. (A map inside the gravemind with pulsing walls and oozing surfaces 17) Bring back the ODST weapons. it can change the dynamic of the game. Example the silencer SMG but weaker and shorter distance in multiplayer. Silencer pistol. 18) Longer campaign 19) Campaign levels that don’t always require you to push a button then go here bush another button then go back and push the same button scenario. 20) Give us a unique way of responding like a pelican coming and dropping you back off or a drop pod dropping you back into battle. This is war let’s make it feel like war!
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