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Everything posted by AvengingCrusade

  1. If your a brony, how could you possibly know what real halo is like? lol
  2. I just want a good amount of destructibility and damage. It would be kinda cool if I could throw a grenade at a wall, and when it blows up it takes some of the wall with it, blowing shrapnel into an enemy. I wish Spike Grenades would make a come back in Halo 4
  3. I think it might mean weekly challenge too. I dunno, that seems retarded. Try dash-boarding then going back into Reach and check
  4. I want a lot more wide open maps. They used to use a good amount of them, but they took most of them out of common matchmaking for Reach. Most maps in Halo 3 atleast had a mongoose or a ghost. Powerhouse was supposed to be kinda like High Ground in Halo 3, but no vehicles and it didnt work the way it should have. I would like using a drop pod, that would be cool. Its not like they haven't done it before!
  5. Ok you ****** up. GTFO if your gonna mess up a 61 page thread. Seriously, now THIS is a legit reason to be upset for someone messing up the thread Siberian wolf pack very pissed...
  6. Thats messed up cause Im badass at Reach. I would rather play Reach WYR Punch a falcon, or be Falcon punched?
  7. 85% bloom really is a lot better. You can pull off a lot more 5 shots with it
  8. Driving a longsword in the campaign would be pretty cool
  9. Yeah, I shoulda emphasized the second BEAVER. Waterboarded Would ya rather eat a pinecone or eat a spider?
  10. My favorite is Halo, cause its just awesome, how you crash land, then straight away your hiding from elites and dropships. Then you cross the bridge, and just start poppin heads with the pistol, then a little ways on, the first ever version of Firefight happens.
  11. Tried to physically remove themselves...
  12. You need to pick one or the other. Saliva? Would you rather shave a beaver...or SHAVE a beaver??
  13. Eat boogers. I mean, if it happend when I was a kid, then it wouldnt kill me now XD Would you rather have blue balls for a week, or do a fat chick?
  14. Play COD, cause its not a bad game I'll just say what I said before. To fix the rhythm Would you rather, be teabagged or assassinated?
  15. Push a ford...I mean come on, its a chevy lol Would you rather, be teabagged or assassinated?
  16. If they remade blood gulch and made it more hazardous for battles. That would be sick
  17. I want forerunner metal to have bullet holes. If I shoot metal, I wanna see my damn bullet holes
  18. Well Im a die hard Halo fan obviously. But AC revelations is my favorite 3rd person game of all time. Im definitely gonna play both of them that night
  19. Yeah the only reason I would do a midnight release is if its something like halo or Assassins Creed. I might do it for AC Revelations and halo. (Released the same day)
  20. We aren't so sure all the Forerunners are dead.
  21. I would think it would be cool, but it would seem to much like Battlefield. Also, it would be difficult to script it like Rumerboy said, Battlefield had multiple game to get to that point and they were ready for a fully destructible environment, Halo just hasn't worked on it. Maybe a little more detail when shooting stuff, but thats pretty much it.
  22. Good job, spot on like usual. But if its just a DLC message saying he doesn't have the recommended content, then he can still play, just on those maps, or on the select DLC playlist
  23. Alright people, if you were wondering about pre-orders and how long they last for, I got the answer for Gamestop's, I'm not sure about other places. But if you pre-order from gamestop, your pre-order will stay until you pay it all off, so you are guaranteed a copy (including limited edition) of that game, and the game codes for special content, for as long as you have atleast 5 bucks down on it. For example, I got money down on BF3 (Battlefield 3), Halo Anniversary, and Assassins Creed Revelations. Assassins and BF3 are both limited editions, so as long as they have the limited edition copies lying around or on shelves, then they will give me one, even if its been like 6 months. But I will probably have mine paid off by like December : ) Anyway, some friendly advice for the upcoming November game day on the 15th. So you all don't freak out.
  24. Motorcycle would be a neat spin on it, I think it would look a lot like the light cycles in Tron
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