So many people in here complain that AA's are a huge mistake and they ruined halo and an average amount of people on Reach is like 6000. Well, for one its more like 60k a day, you need to look up your stuff before posting it. Anyway, AA's didn't ruin Halo, everyone who says that just hates getting pwned by a noob with armor lock. If you really think about it, the noobs and dumbass's need something to use so they can atleast get 1 frickin kill. If you are good at the game, then you don't ***** to much about the other AA's. Like me, I don't ***** all day and night about Armor lock and how stupid it is, sure I hate it, but I am one of those players that only uses sprint (unless the map calls for something like jetpack) and I use evade if Im an elite. I can kill pretty much anyone in armor lock at one point or another. I don't just sit there and go "Oh shi...he's using armor lock, well I better just stand here and let him EMP me and kill me." Yeah, no I kill the *******. Bungie tried throwing a new idea into the mix, they wouldn't have done it, if people didn't ask for something new with the equipment from H3. People neglect to remember what they wanted in the previous game, now that people have it, they just want to complain. Happens all the time, every game, but with Reach they are complaining about stuff that doesn't need to be argued about. If you were a true Halo fan, you would just wish Halo 4 is a lot better, sure Reach had issues, but it was a pretty well built game and we have all had fun in it at one point or another. If you want Halo 3, then go play it, but if you want the next game to be better, then talk about that instead. There are like 4 AA's we hate them OMGWTFBBQ AA'S ARE A RETARD threads on this site, just deal with it, nothing is gonna change about it. If they decide to do AA's in H4 then its for a good reason.