I like armor abilities, but I only like them when they aren't overused. I like it when I can sprint up to a guy when isn't paying attention to his motion tracker and assassinating him. I like evading out of a wraiths mortar blast zone, I like to use armor lock ONLY to deflect a noob tubers rocket back at his face. The only ones I don't like are active camo, and jetpack. The reasons are that I like to be able to use active camo and sneak behind someone and kill him, but now we all know where that person is by the motion tracker. if its coated in moving red dots, we know the guy is somewhere in the middle of it all. The new TU makes it so camo is more effective while moving, a little bit better camo. But I still dont like how they added radar jammer. With Jetpack, sure its a cool idea. But it gets used in stupid environments like Reflection, and it just seems a waste. If they made it seen less in playlists with small maps, then maybe. But its still useless to me. The other armor ability I use sometimes and the reason its only sometimes is cause, like I said, I only use it to deflect rockets, is armor lock. Its a ***** ability that noobs and dumbass's use to piss people off. I only use it when the rockets, grenades and explosives are getting to be a bit much. Other times I only use sprint, or in invasion I use evade as an elite. Nuff said