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  1. I wish i had never downloaded the Champions Pack... I NEVER experienced any gameplay issues with my Halo 4 game until i bought it. Now my loadouts dont load properly. My armor resets to recruit when i play war games with a guest. I loved this game until now. Egh, so disappointed.

    1. T O lR T A

      T O lR T A

      It is not just you it occurred to my buddies and myself.

    2. Spartan-104


      yah I get that all the time


  2. Boooo 343, Boooo... I've supported Halo 4 from the start, gotten all the DLC, books and such... but I have to admit I feel a little ripped off here. Why would I want to buy armor skins JUST to play in War Games... its all red and blue. Can't truly appreciate them there. What a weird thing to do. Especially with no disclaimer telling you so before you buy. Boooo!
  3. So... all the new skins i just bought dont work in Spartan Ops? Whats up with that? I appreciate that a lot of people use War Games but in most cases you cant even truely appreciate the armor youve put together because the colors are in either red or blue only... color me disappointed

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Frankenzer
    3. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      I wish Red and Blue in Halo 4 wasn't lightish red and lightish blue.


      Remember back in the days of Halo 3 and Reach when the color was clean, and crisp?

    4. SmackityFLIPS


      I wish there was more multiplayer where you could use the actual color you chose when you build your armor. Just bought the Champion Pack and I can't truly appreciate any of it because I can only see them in red or blue... especially now because the armors don't show at all in Spec Ops. Your Spartan armor reverts to Recruit during matches.

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