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  1. This is the only thing about Halo that I am worried about. I do hope that it is for the Xbox 360 as well. They started a new trilogy for Halo. At least finish the trilogy on the Xbox 360 as well. THEN feel free to make new series on the Xbox One. Also, if you only make Halo 5 for the Xbox One, then you're only making money from that game for those who buy the Xbox One while a lot of people aren't and won't be buying it like me. Now, if you were to make Halo 5 for the Xbox 360 as well, you're also making money from those who aren't going to buy the One. Also, the other popular titles with new games for Xbox (CoD: Ghosts, AC: Black Flag, Destiny and others) are going to be for the 360 as well. So with company competition, it would be wise to make H5 for the Xbox 360 and One. Now, should they make H5 only for the Xbox One, I won't be affected a lot. I will still have World of Tanks (PC version and Xbox Edition) and older games to enjoy. That is all I really have to say. From those who buy the Xbox One* Also, for those who are greedy and want H5 only for the One (which I kindly understand), at least be friendly to your fellow Xbox community and be nice by supporting H5 being for the the 360 as well. I admit that I do play RuneScape, but I am going to use it for an example. In Feb/March, Jagex (Company that made RuneScape) put out a poll for those who wanted the old version of the game that was back in 2007. There were many players who didn't want it, but was kind to those who wanted it by voting 'Yes' for it. It was a truly outstanding accomplishment made by those nice players. So, try to be like those people, and support the idea of H5 being for the 360, too. Also, for those who say that if its for the 360 that the game can't be made to its full potential, that you're wrong. The ONLY thing that you can't do is divide a number by 0. Other than that, anything is possible. Might take more time or be more difficult, but it does not fit the term 'can't'.
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