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Michael Marturana

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Everything posted by Michael Marturana

  1. Welcome to the community Cam!
  2. First off this is kind of ironic coming from a person named Total Mayh3m. Second off, this is an awesome post. Good job, I applaud you.
  3. I agree with what Maestro The Stampede said. you should take their advice. Doing something like this takes time and patience. Make sure you write things down, make sure you know what your doing. Make it more than just an idea, create the whole storyline and put as much effort into this as possible. Make it into an actual game and then present it to a company.
  4. Hello everyone. I just joined yesterday evening. So far I am enjoying these forums and hope to be aquainted with some people on here. I forgot to mention that I am a huge Halo fan too.
  5. From what I've seen about this gme it looks like it will be very good. Bungie has made terrific games in the past, like Halo for example. I am looking forward to this game and hope it will be as big as halo is.
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