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Everything posted by Onsokumaru

  1. Due to major technical difficulties, Ninja VS The Forum will be rescheduled and current score will be reset. Agreement was made between the Ninjas and The Forum representative slik

  2. Ninja VS The Forum Map Playlist Update > http://343i.org/32q

  3. Ninja VS The Forum Map Playlist These are the maps that will be in Ninja VS Forum, take note that some maps may not be played due to time or amount of players. Maps listed may not be played in order. Halo: Combat Evolved Blood Gulch - Capture The Flag Death Island - Team Slayer (Depending on amount of players) Halo 2 Burial Mounds - Team Slayer BR (Depending on time) Coagulation - Team Snipers Containment - Team Slayer BR District - Team Slayer Relic - Team Slayer BR (Depending on time) Terminal - Team Slayer BR Waterworks - Team Slayer Zanzibar - Team Slayer Halo 2: Anniversary Bloodline - Capture The Flag Remnant - Team Slayer BR Halo 3 Avalanche - Team Slayer BR Orbital - Team Slayer (Depending on time) Sandtrap - Team Snipers (Depending on time) Standoff - Team Slayer BR The Pit - Team Slayer Valhalla - Capture the Flag Halo 4 Ragnarok - Infinity Slayer Perdition - Infinity Slayer
  4. There's still time to sign-up for Ninja VS The Forum! :3 http://343i.org/322

  5. NINJA VS THE FORUM The Ninjas have returned and are awaiting a new challenge against the forum... Prepare yourselves for this Ninja VS The Forum Event as the Ninjas won't go easy on this VS Event. Hope you understand that the Ninjas have grown in strength and numbers and are ready to dominate the Halo Battlefield! Drizzy_Dan had to suffer defeat from the Ninjas during the last event (Ninja VS Community Moderators). Not even GSD is enough to stop the Ninjas. Let's hope the forum defenders will actually bring a good defense. EVENT INFO: GAME: Master Chief Collection (Xbox One) DATE: July 12* TIME: 9:30PM EST* *Date and Time might change if any technical or attendance problems occur. If which error occurs we will change to the next available date. ATTENDANCE: Now with this being a highly anticipated event, to join you must be signed up before joining. Attendance will be first sign up, first available slot. Invites will be sent approximately at the start of the event. Once lobby is full and you're not in the lobby even if you signed up, you must wait until someone has left the game so you can take the next available slot. Some special acceptations if you lagged out.
  6. Hello Everyone! Just checking up on the forums, how's everything going? Should be back soon! :3

    1. Melody


      :o Hey Friend! I'm doing well. ^-^ That's great news! See ya soon then. :)
  7. Hello everyone and May the 4th be with you! If you haven't been following Star Wars lately, then today is great day to start and this post will have most new info on the upcoming Star Wars Movie and other Star Wars related items! Star Wars Ep. VII The Force Awakens With the new trailer released, we were given new info on cast, charters, planets and much more. But the most notable part of the trailer were the new Stormtroopers. We knew about the new helmet designs but now know that all of the Stormtroopers have a unique feature for their role in the Empire or the "First Order". It was revealed about the new armor for the imperial pilots but the really exciting reveal was the Chrome Trooper. Could it be that this is a possibility of an elite class unit? Possibly Imperial Commandos? Another note is the droid BB-8 is a real prop! It is also noted that the Rebels and The Empire have new names, The Resistance and The First Order. Star Wars: Rogue One So new news reveled about Star Wars: Rogue One! We found out about the story line of Rogue One, which will take place after episode 3 where a group of resistance members try to take the plans to the Death Star! Even though many fans were expecting to see Rogue Squadron Movie, this works too! Hopefully this movie will show how realistic and how dangerous it is to be opposing the Empire without any Jedi assistance. Star Wars: Rebels (Season 2) It's also confirmed that June 20th 2015 is the Season 2 air date for Star Wars Rebels which will be a 1-hour showing. In the trailer it shows the main heroes of Season 1 along with some old friends from the Clone Wars including Captain Rex, Commander Wolffe, and with great surprise CC-5576-39 "Gregor" who was a Clone Commando during the Clone Wars. Star Wars: Battlefront 3 Major news announced here and some disappointment as well. It was confirmed that 3rd person view is now included for the game in which we get a small preview of what it would look like during the trailer. Also announced was the first bonus DLC Map titled "Battle of Jakku" which is a prequel DLC so it will be interesting! In other news on the topic, confirmed no space battles and no campaign. This was a major disappointment for fans as the Rise of the Empire story was good, many were expecting something great! Star Wars Celebration 2016 For those interested in attending Star Wars Celebration 2016, it will take place in London, England! Well this concludes all the main Star Wars info! Thanks for reading and May the 4th be with you all! :3
  8. STAR WARS CELEBRATION - DAY 4 Well today was Day 4, the last day of Star Wars Celebration 2015, this was an amazing celebration with much news revealed and a reveal about Star Wars: Rogue One, but today was the day where time was mostly spent on the show floor! Since not much news was announced today at the celebration, today is mostly spent on the show floor. The following will be covered: Star Wars: Rogue One, Star Wars: Battle Pod and Lego Star Wars! Star Wars: Rogue One So new news reveled about Star Wars: Rogue One! Today we found out about the story line of Rogue One, which will take place after episode 3 where a group of resistance members try to take the plans to the Death Star! Even though many fans were expecting to see Rogue Squadron Movie, this works too! Star Wars: Battle Pod Today we took a closer look at Star Wars: Battle Pod which is a new arcade game released at selected arcades. The game features 4 missions, The Death Star Battle, Hoth Battle, Endor Battle and the bonus story "Vader's Revenge" in which you take control of the Tie Advance a prevent the rebels from taking the super laser technology from the Death Star. The missions are complicated and difficult but can be mastered if you make the right maneuvers in flight! Lego Star Wars For those Lego fans out there! New Lego Sets were revealed and soon to arrive. The newest lines of Lego Star Wars sets are to arrive later 2015. The sets are titled "Lego Build-it" and they feature character where you actually build a Lego replica of them! Characters include: Obi-Wan Kenobi, General Grievous and much more! Well, that wraps of Day 4! I hope you enjoyed the constant updates and overview for Star Wars Celebration 2015 and your feedback is much appreciated! Thank you for tagging along the journey! Stay tuned soon for a separate post for Star Wars Celebration: Complete Overview which should be done soon! Thank you again everyone and may the force be with you all! -Onsokumaru
  9. STAR WARS CELEBRATION - DAY 3 Well today was Day 3 at Star Wars celebration, some disappointing news today and not much new info announced today, just mostly extended information! Announced today was the Star Wars: Rebels (Season 2)! Well let's get the overview started! Star Wars: Rebels So new updated news for Star Wars: Rebels. A new poster was revealed today. With the poster released, this built up major hype for the release date but is not the only hype. The trailer was also played during the Rebels Panel which featured familiar characters as well! It seems that the story will be getting darker. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Av8GjpGK98A What are your thoughts for the new season of Star Wars Rebels? What do you think of the returning characters? Leave your comments below! Well that wraps up Day 3, not only is this the third day, but also the day that tickets became sold out which is a disappointment for fans who want to attend the Celebration. Stay tuned for the Day 4: The closing day of Star Wars Celebration 2015!
  10. STAR WARS CELEBRATION - DAY 2 Well today was Day 2 at Star Wars celebration, major news announced today and most of it will be reviewed! Announced today was the Star Wars: Battlefront 3 information, info on Star Wars: The Clone Wars, the most surprising unexpected poster for Star Wars Rebels and much more! Well let's get the overview started! Star Wars: Battlefront 3 Major news announced here and some disappointment as well. It was confirmed that 3rd person view is now included for the game in which we get a small preview of what it would look like during the trailer. Also announced was the first bonus DLC Map titled "Battle of Jakku" which is a prequel DLC so it will be interesting! In other news on the topic, confirmed no space battles and no campaign. This was a major disappointment for fans as the Rise of the Empire story was good, many were expecting something great! Star Wars: The Clone Wars So recently released were the pictures and video of the unfinished Clone Wars Arc, we know that the Clone Wars series has ended, but has it really ended? More info on this will be updated separately. Lego Star Wars: Droid Tales In lighter news, its been announced that a new project for a short Lego series will be airing soon! Possibility tales and stories told by R2-D2 and C-3PO? More info to be revealed soon. Star Wars: Rebels (Season 2) Well for last news, get ready. This poster was shown around Star Wars Celebration. Beware that this poster might bring back old characters from the Clone Wars Series. What are your thoughts on the recent news and reveals? Leave them in the comments below! That's about it for Day 2! Major News revealed! Who knows what is to be revealed tomorrow? Stay tuned for Day 3 Overview!
  11. STAR WARS CELEBRATION - DAY 1 Well today was first day at Star Wars celebration, there won't be much to be announced since things were added here, but will be reviewed! Announced today was the Star Wars Ep. VII The Force Awakens Trailer and Star Wars: Battlefront 3 information. Well let's get the overview started! New Names Around the showfloor of the convention it is noted that the empire and the rebels have a possible new names. It's showed that the Stormtrooper armor has labled "First Order" and the X-Wing/Pilot have "Resistance". It is still unknown about the new names but the surely there is a good reason for it. Star Wars Ep. VII The Force Awakens With the new trailer released, we were given new info on cast, charters, planets and much more. But the most notable part of the trailer were the new Stormtroopers. We knew about the new helmet designs but now know that all of the Stormtroopers have a unique feature for their role in the Empire or the "First Order". It was revealed about the new armor for the imperial pilots but the really exciting reveal was the Chrome Trooper. Could it be that this is a possibility of an elite class unit? Possibly Imperial Commandos? Another note is the droid BB-8 is a real prop! Much more to be discussed soon! Star Wars: Battlefront 3 Info Well it's been announced that Star Wars: Battlefront 3 will be playable first for Xbox users! Also discussed was the time the gameplay trailer will be shown. The times listed are April 17th at 10:30am PT / 1:30pm ET / 6:30pm GMT Well this is pretty much an overview of what happened Day 1. Oh and of course the lines for badges and Parking. That's Day 1 for all of you! Stay tuned for Day 2 tomorrow! :3
  12. UPDATE #0.1 - Exclusive Collectible Figure New information has been released for this years exclusive collectible item. The Imperial Spacetrooper will makes its appearance as the exclusive item. The Spacetrooper is a 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure, the Spacetrooper figure is based on appearances in Star Wars: Episode 4 – A New Hope. It includes re breather backpack, a heavy blaster, a blaster rifle, a thermal detonator, and a figure stand. If you're unable to purchase this item before it sells out, you might be lucky to find it available on a auction website or a toy seller website.
  13. STAR WARS CELEBRATION APRIL 16-19 2015 Hello Everyone! Starting April 16th marks the first day of Star Wars Celebration! The 4-day celebration will feature all the new Star Wars information about Rouge One, the future for Star Wars Rebels, New Episode VII Force Awakens info and Star Wars: Battlefront 3 Gameplay Trailer! Too much to keep up with? Can't Attend? Don't worry! You're covered! For the duration of the Celebration, I will be covering Highlights and News to satisfy your Star Wars Celebration needs! (And hopefully if uploading works, Pictures from the Celebration) If you would like to keep up to date and know when this topic has been updated, just select "Follow this topic" above to receive notifications when new info has been released! I will start updating news about this celebration starting as early as this evening! Get ready! Prepare for boarding! The Star Wars Celebration has you on a tractor beam! Updates:
  14. COSPLAY!?!?! I doubt cosplay section would be added for space issues. But I am sure that there is a Cosplay PM about it. If there is not a PM about it, I have Cosplay PM already made.
  15. UPDATE: It's confirmed that Star Wars Battlefront 3 Official Reveal Trailer will be revealed April 17th at 10:30am PT / 1:30pm ET / 6:30pm GMT
  16. For the Star Wars fans of the forum, get ready for battlefront 3!! http://343i.org/2t9

  17. Hey everyone! Alright I don't usually do informative posts but this is Star Wars and Convention related. Anyways, as some of you may know that Star Wars: Battlefront 3 has been announced and even concept art and Alpha footage were revealed. But now you must be wondering where's the gameplay? Well get ready as it is confirmed that Star Wars: Battlefront 3 will be at Star Wars Celebration 2015 and will reveal first ever gameplay to all the attendees and then to the world! The convention will be April 16-19 and the panel will be hosted by Electronic Arts! I am not sure when the actual panel will be as the page showed blank with no dates or time the panel will be but if you're not attending and miss the gameplay reveal, it will be revealed soon! But don't feel down because of this, at least you don't have to deal with all the Landing Craft and X-Wing Parking... that's just terrible! :3
  18. Spring time. :3 It's going to be a busy season.

  19. Spring time. :3 It's going to be a busy season.

  20. I think I will be away from the forum for awhile. Just thought I would announce that, if anyone would be wondering.

    1. Melody


      Hope everything is okay. :)

    2. Drizzy_Dan


      Come back soon please

    3. Ash


      Take care, I hope you'll return soon!

  21. If you have the time, consider reading the Ninja VS The Forum Overview which features a recap on the recent Ninja VS The Moderators of 343i Community Forum! :3 http://343i.org/2sj

  22. Hello everyone! As some of you may know of the event Ninja VS The Forum! For those of you who don't know about it, well basically it is a small forum event in where the brave forum volunteers join together to battle myself and my Elite Ninja team. The event usually happens once every 2-4 months or at least once per season. We have finished Season 1 of the battle and recently started Season 2. But it's time to announce the scores of Season 1. Ninjas Fall-Winter Pre-Game Event: Forum Win In Pre-Game Event, it was the current Ninja Leaders VS The Forum members in a test to check if the Forum is truly a formidable adversary, in which they did prove to the Ninjas that they're strong! SEASON 1: Draw (1-2-1) Ninja VS The Forum Winter Event: Ninja Win (8-2) The first official Ninja VS The Forum Event, it was not an easy battle for either side but the Ninjas showed the Forum who they were dealing with. But the members who helped defend the forum did their best! Forum Defenders: Edward Kenway Connor Kenway Jxzaw Bnus Dumb Marine Spyro Beckoningzebra1 Halo 5 Follower And many more!! Ninja VS The Forum Winter Conclusion: Tie Game (9-9) This event was a major one as not only was it 18 Games but we reveled to the forums a undercover Ninja hiding within the forum ranks! The battle was a difficult one as soon as GSD showed up to assist the Forum Members, but the event ended up in a tie game. Forum Defenders: BZ1 Sparky GSD Bnus Rockubot Ruby Rose Spyro Pbrabbit Cooliest Silk Killburn Ninja VS The Forum 2v2 & 3v3 Battle: Tie Game (4-4) Oh gosh, this Event... This Event was probably a failed attempt for a tournament style, but this event was a major event as it featured a new award on the forum titled "Ninja VS The Forum" award, the event also reveled to the forums another hidden Ninja and I let my Ninjas battle by themselves in which they made me proud! Even though the event was divided into different times, we tried to remain on schedule. Forum Defenders: Mr.Biggles & F1ZM rrhuntington & JXZAW The Underdogs (Mr.Biggles, Drizzy_Dan & GSD) Team Negative Green (Edward Kenway & Church) Shadow Spartans (UNSC Spartan-II & ShadowFiend) The Rugged Monkey Orangutan (SD, ShockGazm & Termination) Team ColdP34nut (Unease P34nut & Cold Freeze) BeckoningSparkZebrarskyyAntiNinjaNinjassinationsNoobKillersNinjaDestroyersNeverFailBeckoningAssassinSparkSparklingZebraForceZebraSparkyGO (BeckoningZebra1 & Sparky) And other attendees who signed up but didn't have a partner Ninja VS The Forum Spring Event: Forum Win (Score Unknown) This Event if I remember was a close one but the Forum managed to defeat the Ninjas! For some reason there is no data on the score and attendees, but if I remember the Forum won the battle? I think? This also marked a sad moment in Ninja VS The Forum as my Ninja Division Leaders and I watched 2 of the elite ninjas leave The Ninjas and enter retirement. But they shall be known as the Veterans of The Ninjas! Forum Defenders: UNKNOWN? Now for recent news! Season 2 of Ninja VS The Forum has started! Ninja VS The Forum Ninja VS The Moderators of 343i Community Forums: Ninja Win (3-2) The event started off badly as attendance was unusual as none of the forum members attended or showed up to the event, except for Drizzy_Dan! At first the Ninjas were strong in numbers as we were prepared for an ultimate battle against the forums! The Ninjas had the Ninja Division Leaders, Elite Ninjas, and the Support Team of Ninjas ready! The first two battles were Ninja Win as it was 4v1 but what the Ninjas didn't expect was Drizzy to request support from RedStarRocket! that's when it became a 3v2 battle with the Ninjas Division Leaders and I battling the Moderators of 343iCF which ended up in a close win but the Moderators of the forum won that match (50-41). After the match we decided to change the name to Ninja VS The Moderators of 343i Community Forums. After that Drizzy_Dan did something unexpected... He got GSD to join him and help... The tide has turned and the Ninjas had to request all Ninja Teams on Stand-By to assist us. It was a Halo 4 battle with Drizzy, RSR and GSD VS 5 Elite Ninjas! The Ninjas lost terribly against them... (50-27). The Score became tied 2-2 and sadly RSR and GSD had to go leaving Drizzy_Dan by himself. The Ninjas were ready to finish the battle! It was Team Snipers on Halo 3 and it was an ultimate battle! Drizzy_Dan VS 5 Elite Ninjas and believe it or not, Drizzy almost won the game!!! (25-24 Ninja Win) This was truly an ultimate battle and Drizzy_Dan proved himself to be a mighty warrior standing alone against The Fierce Ninjas! With this said and done I want to take a moment to announce and thank the hidden Forum Ninjas! They know who you are but it's time you know who they are! CURRENT FORUM NINJAS: Rue Fishy VETERAN FORUM NINJAS: Total Mayh3m Spyro Thank You New and Veteran Forum Ninjas for assisting the Ninjas! You have proven to be truly elite warriors! Everyone! Thank you for reading this! To those who just didn't read this then you should read it when you have time! On behalf of the Ninjas, thank you again everyone for accepting the Ninjas into Forum Battle Events and the Ninjas await to see you at the next battle! :3 -Onsokumaru
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