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Posts posted by Cam

  1. Hello and welcome Cam. I realized you have very astounding grammar and that is awesome. Lulz. Anyways, if you need any help feel free to ask. :thumbsup:


    P.S. I see you're already fitting in quite nicely; Signature is up, 6 posts with multiple likes. Looking good so far hope you continue to enjoy.


    Hah, thank you! I like keeping a good grammar reputation; not many on the Internet use proper grammar and it kills me a little inside, but I don't like to judge others for that.


    Yes, I'm surprised I'm growing fast to this site, and everyone is so welcoming! Thank you for the welcome.

  2. I've been my own person for a long time, and I'm now thinking of joining a clan; preferably on Halo 4. I've thought about creating my own clan as I have an emblem I wouldn't like to change and I've tried a couple of times, but all times have failed. I'd just like to be in a clan that isn't too competitive and is all about having fun on matchmaking and possibly custom game nights.

  3. Welcome to the community, My gamer tag is DHX CagyDrake. By the way there is a place to go to look at fanmade books some of them you can even join those are the fun ones. Its like sikslik said ask away any question you have to ask. I have a question for you in fact, How are you liking the sit known as 343i?


    Yes, I've seen that section and I can't wait to join in to some of those! I really like the site. The people here are very welcoming, unlike some sites.

    • Like 1
  4. Survivor does seem kind of overpowered because if someone works hard to destroy a vehicle, it's to kill the player in it as well, but then with this they have a chance to escape and it sounds frustrating. Besides, I'd like to play fair in a vehicle, because what when I die in a vehicle I just say "Alright, I had a good run." and continue. It just seems a little silly to me.


    Recharge on the other hand sounds perfect for a player like me. I like to run and gun; I don't like taking cover for long once my shields recharge. But, it all depends on how much faster. I'm planning to experiment on how much faster it recharges than the normal shield IN THE NAME OF SCIENCE!- //shot

  5. I'd love it if they remade Sandbox and Sandtrap; I loved those maps! The only thing I will probably wait for but never see again though would be Blood Gulch. I know they tried to implement that in Reach, but the original would be the best thing ever.

  6. I bought the bundle as soon as possible and I was very excited to play. I only had about 20 minutes to check out everything, so I couldn't check out Spartan Ops or the new stances I acquired, but all the bugs that are listed, at least as far as I know, have not happened to me. I feel terrible for the people who are getting these issues, but the only glitch I remember having, if you could call it a glitch, is that all the armor and weapons appeared as starred (Aka new,) and all the emblems I have previously used appeared new as well. Also, I can now see all of the previews for all armor except for specialization armor, rather than seeing the requirements if you get far enough in the commendation. It all comes up to if I have any problems once I get back on Tuesday.

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  7. It sounds too much like a Mass Effect thing to be traveling multiple planets and to be an open world. I think I'd enjoy Halo 5 better if they just stick with what they've been doing for the longest time. I just hope 343 won't change Bungie's developed universe too much.

  8. Welcome to the forums! If you ever need any help, don't be afraid to ask!


    Thank you for the welcome, and I will ask a question! Sorry, it's a very newbie question, but how do you operate the shoutbox? I noticed someone welcomed me almost immediately after I joined, but I couldn't find out how to post back.


    Welcome. I must ask though, why the name choice? Is your name Cameron?


    Thank you for the welcome. Actually, no it isn't. The name is short for Camus; it's not my name, but I admire it. It's from the book I'm reading; UnWholly by Neal Shusterman. This may not be a book kind of forum, but if you like Si-fi or dystopian books, you should check the first book of the series out; Unwind. I'm surprised I could even use this name seeing as many names have been taken and the character range happened to be between three.

  9. I thought since I've been a Halo fan for so long that I should join some of the forums to come more in touch with the community. And what better than this community forum? Sorry, I'm not too good at introductions, but I'd just like to say hello, and if anyone has a microphone, I could play Halo 4 with anyone at some point (My play time on Halo is a kind of schedule, so I can't always play; I apologize for that. ;v; ) Anyways, I'm blabbing too much, so I'll just end my introduction with a simple hello.

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