In Halo 4, the player cards are pretty cool. With the campion DLC adding in a ton more stances, it got me thinking. What if in Halo 5, using the same player card mechanic, a player could customize their stance using Kinect? That would allow for much more personal player cards and people wouldn't complain about not liking the available ones. Maybe put a few default stances in there and have the custom unlocked after a certain level.
But what if it gets inappropriate? What's the worst that someone could do? Flip the bird? That brings me to my second part.
After (or before) setting the pose for the Spartan, a player could edit the hands. The thumb and index finger could be able to move freely, while the remaining fingers could be locked together. That way a player could point, thumbs up, make a fist, high five, and more. Plus no middle finger.
But what if you want your Spartan to have a gun? They should be unlocked by commendations. Hold your gun proud because you worked for it! If you snipe, you'll get a sniper. Play Grifball, get a hammer. Or, if you master Capture the Flag, maybe you could get a flag?
And if 343i wants to put this in the game, all I'm asking for is a early copy ;P