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Posts posted by Glitch100

  1. This is a duh but so many developers don't do this. Its refreshing to make miniscule changes every so often, so over a period of time you notice monumental changes. In short, its good to have a game that is willing to succumb to change, as opposed to those that are finished on release with a few minor glitches. Since your game isn't a AAA title, its even more detrimental to replay ability. I like the concept, especially since its something I'll be able to play. Thank you!!

    I appreciate the feedback man. Been a long time in development, and been busy since the alpha started doing changes... More on the way before the beta and release :)

  2. I appreciate your feedback, it is probably worth noting that UNSC Warfare is not an RTS, which is what you desire. Originally there were plans for players to dive into an RTS environment for battles,missions etc. However these plans are now no longer going ahead due to funding reasons.

    I appreciate that you played, and I am glad that it held your attention for a time. It is more of a new experience to people who are familiar with web based games that usually just have the 'START BATTLE' button and then it tells you what happened. There is no visual experience. There are no real calculations going on. The outcome is usually more heavily influenced by Random. UNSC Warfare aimed to change that and give players, fans of the genre an opportunity to see something happening, in effect, live. Allow players to individually upgrade their units, purchase a bigger ship, add weapons, rank up, buy global modifiers and more. 

    I am sorry that it couldn't give you more control as you wanted, and I wish I could of given that as well. Thanks for the feedback dude.

    • Like 1
  3. Hmm. I was having quite a bit of fun when I first started playing, but nowadays, it's something a bit more akin to a few clicks I do when I'm off procrastinating in the middle of class or something....


    Battles for me are waaaay too slow now.... :(


    But oh well.


    Hey Dude!


    I appreciate the feedback - do you mind sharing what it is you don't enjoy as I would be keen to find out and make changes if necessary! It's been a constant system of me adding in features since the Alpha started almost 2 months ago! As for battle speed I do intend  to add in a set of buttons, PAUSE, Fast Forward, Slow Down etc to the player so that could resolve that for you.

  4. For all players of UNSC Warfare! 


    Currently we are working towards delivering 3 new features:


    Achievements! - We have done a lot of the base code for this and its mainly an issue of testing and implementing it into areas that it can be used! Expect this soon!


    Design Change! - The Nav bar is bloated so we are changing up the nav design - in doing so we will also be redoing the styles to look better on mobile devices. This takes a while, so its on the backburner for now.


    Battle System v2! - The battle system has pulled back an incredible amount of data since testing started at the beginning of February - and with that its time for us to update the Battle System! We are going to be amending the formula we use, probably adding in some additional stats and changing how things work in an attempt to speed it up! This is a big job but it should get done in time!


    We hope you continue to enjoy, play and test UNSC Warfare!

  5. How does this work?


    Hey -

    Check out the www.UNSCWarfare.com/Game/Tutorial . Long story short, you start off with a ship with limited space, you purchase beginner units like marines, mongeese and hornets and battle other players through an auro resolve system that has a visual element!  You earn money, upgrade units weapons, buy new ones, but bigger ships, play better people, fight bigger battles, do missions and more... :D


    it's kind of hard to explain, your best bet is to just make an account and launch a battle yourself. It's a very cool system. 

    Aha thanks :D

  6. If you were active earlier on today, you may of seen the first mini community event - 'The Monitor' . He appeared and coaxed players into battling him - however he was too strong and took many down until he let his guard down, and was destroyed! 


    In his destruction the player was rewarded with two faithful Sentinels!




    The player who defeated the Monitor was Kusa Az 'Xykal
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