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Posts posted by Glitch100


    So the 3D modeller would be modelling ships and UNSC ground units? If so I once again suggest hanging around the modding communities. Some one would inevitably join or a team might even be willing to share models already created.

    Here is a list of other Halo based mods if you like: http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/Modding#Community_mods_based_on_Halo


    I had asked some before (via email),if they would be interested however they weren't. If you feel they would please do contact them on My behalf and havd them contact me :)

  2. Those are some really good rank design. I think you should make some really similar to the Halo 3 ranks. ;)

    I didn't say ignore all the small useful features, I just asked when you will do bigger things more related to the game itself. Like the rank designs. You must of misunderstood me.


    I understand, sorry - and yea, expect more things like that... The current version ( if you check against the list in the previous weekly ) has alot of gameplay related changes. :)


  3. Meep.


    How's the actual gameplay coming? I'm excited to see how it works.


    There are two types of gameplay remember, the web based management and auto resolve battles, as well as the 3D Component. The 3D Component hasn't had any development yet, the web based management is coming along, you can purchase units, upgrade them with different weapons, and auto resolve battles; the code for the auto resolve is coming along and is at about 50%.



    Yeah I agree. When will you finish with the smaller features and move onto the big picture? 

    By the way good work on improving communication. ;) Will we be able to use these features before the real game is released?

    The big picture, so to speak is reliant upon the smaller features. If you couldn't buy units what good is auto resolve battles? If you couldn't view units etc, it would be pretty imagination based. Communication with people is bigger than you think and adds a lot to anything. Imagine what this site would be like without the Shoutbox?


    We are about another 2 versions up since the last weekly. Go check it again to see where we are ;)


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