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Lethal Vendetta

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  1. First and foremost, armor abilities should be treated as pickups, like the pickups from previous games. People loved that. Just imagine what Halo 3 would've been like if you had the option to spawn with a power drain, bubble shield, or a regenerator. That would've been a pain in the ass to play. Zero bloom should be a permanent change, because everyone (for the most part) in the halo community throughout CE to H3 loves consistency.(and yes Twinreaper, I know it's not actually "bloom" but everyone here knows what I mean when I say it) Armor lock and camo armor abilities basically ruined the idea of power-ups from previous Halo games. If these don't get removed, then power-ups being added into MM are pointless, although I would love to see it happen.
  2. Great point man, couldn't have said it better.
  3. I like getting flamed by twinreaper for stating my educated, not blatantly retarded opinion on the OP. Now, instead of flaming, get back to the actual subject here please? Halo never had such noticeable bullet spread on precision weapons until this game. And it's quite obvious by looking at the average population for Halo 3, not even a year into release, compared to Halo Reach's average population, not even a year into release, that lots of people did not like this change. You really can't argue a fact, so please don't try.
  4. This. ^ Bloom (or bullet spread, as you technical kids want to call it) has never been this noticeable before. (note, I said noticeable, meaning it was present in previous Halo games, but the effect was SO minimal that it was almost as if there was none) The population of this game is so low if you compare it to other Halo games. Why? Because People like the idea of the only inconsistency in a game to be within themselves. Not with the weapons, themselves. It allows for a LOT more competitive game-play, and that's what the Halo population consisted mostly of in previous years. Of course there's always the people who play for fun, but that's not our concern here. People like consistency. Not inconsistency.
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