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Everything posted by Buns

  1. "If you all end up killing each other I'm going to be stuck with the Grunt" I slowly grab Runners hand to urge it down. "So please don't"
  2. "Just don't kill the damn Lizard" I say following closely behind "I've done enough autopsy's on dead ones already."
  3. If EK isnt Mafian we're killing SD next round I'll put him on the suspect list so dont think you can get away
  4. "Mind if I join you?" I say as I jump up to my feet following Runner.
  5. So I'm in a team with a Grunt? That isnt an issue. Going to need a Grunt shaped bodybag before we start though.
  6. Cortana isn't considered a Forerunner artifact. Forerunner Ancillas dont undergo rampancy(unless in rare circumstances). Providing more evidence that Cortana is not Forerunner The Librarian studys life. She doesnt need to study an AI that is less advance then a Forerunner Ancillas The Librarian implanted a geas(a set of instructions) within the human race to create people like Halsey and Master Chief. She probably also accessed UNSC Infinitys database while they were on Requiem. (Wouldnt be that hard considering modern humans in the Halo universe are only a Tier 2 Civilization while Forerunners were Tier 1) The Librarian we saw on Requiem was a mere artificial copy. It was not the original Librarian and was only there to fulfill certain tasks.
  7. Sorry cant do Some roles have the ability to vote in secret.
  8. I also vote Self Destruct. Because with everyone having a role then killing people off this time is most beneficial to help widdle down roles for all sides. I'm also the Honor Guard Councilor. Hi hello.
  9. I won't be home till 3:00 PM EST but I'm unsure if I can make it. If the event is still going I'll hop on the site and ask for an invite via the Shoutbox.
  10. The most notable thing is how well the voice acting was done in both trailers. Locke sounds like he snapped a nerve. He sounds loopy and that reflects in his body language too Chief sounds genuinely upset. Which is new to hear in his voice. He sounds straight up mad with what Locke did to get there. It should also be pointed out that either one or none of these trailers are true. This is part of the #HuntTheTruth campaign. We need to figure out for ourselves which side is telling the real story. Maybe none of them are? I think those #HuntTheTruth audiocasts that are being released will slowly unveil more details on what exactly is going on. By the time E3 rolls around I think we will have a more general idea and a more solid basis to form theories The following theory I got from r/Halo(I don't remember who to credit sorry about that) but basically a user commented that he thinks the Chief's trailer is the real one and before Chief pulls the trigger he tells Locke "Tell them you killed me and had nothing to bring back" and that Locke's trailer is what he tells his ONI superiors I don't have time but someone should really start pointing out the differences in the trailer like with the MC Statue and such. They must be important or else they wouldn't have taken the time to put them in there. Yoshi should also post his concept art theory. I cant access the photo right now but it was really well good and no doubt has some significance!
  11. #TeamChief is superior. JOIN THE WINNING SIDE.
  12. I like that name we'll be using it for something else though..... Too good for WSW....
  13. First I'd like to give a huge thanks to Drizzy_Dan for letting me take the wheel with WSW. It will now be brought to you in video format. I will do my best to follow D_Ds method of the WSW so please be patient while I perfect it! Now sit back and enjoy! Link dump for your conveince
  14. Name: Crossbone Race: Human, Spartan-IV Class: Medic Weapon(s) of choice: Silenced SMG, DMG Battle Rifle(from Halo:Online), Incendiary Grenades, Bubble Shield Characteristics: Strong silent type. Backstory: Previously a Combat Medic then ODST during the war. In an ironic turn of events Crossbone keeps himself distant from his teammates after witnessing his entire ODST squad being slaughtered during the battle of the Ark. Nowadays he still serves to honor their memory. Also one of the few of the Spartan-IV's who excel in first aid and treating wounds mid battle. Crossbone also developed an immense curiosity for the Covenant species throughout the course of the war. He has some minor knowledge of Sanghelli and Unggoy Biology. (Although good luck getting a Sanghelli to accept medical aid during combat). He still shares a great interest for the medical field even going as far as to complete his Astrobiology degree on Mars whenever he has time off. Overview of equipment and experience: Crossbone was never fit to be a ranger. He has always preferred close to medium ranged combat and cannot snipe a target to save his life. He also has a distaste for alien weaponry mainly preferring good old UNSC Firearms unless the situation forces him otherwise. Crossbone is fully outfitted with the Scanner armor variant and prefers to stay in cover providing suppression support and calling out enemy positions. He isnt the strongest gunslinger among the Spartan-IV's but his knowledge of enemy tactics and quick thinking help him outsmart his opponents. Visual representation Weapons and equipment(he uses a weapon from Halo:Online so take a look) I hope I didnt make him too OP
  15. How do you feel being a leader of the community? I wouldn't call myself a leader of the community. I feel as if I take an active part in its development and that maybe some members view me as a leader figure because of my position in staff, but I guess I say I am honored that I get the chance to do something like this. It seems dumb to say such a thing, but it feels great. I love video games and being able to contribute to the video game community in meaningful way. How has the position you are in now effected how you are on the site? I pay more attention to upholding the rules. I would say at first it gave me an ego boost but I eventually noticed that and cut it out right away. Honestly nowadays I do my best to make sure the rules are unkept(by reporting and not backseat moderating of course) and encourage good discussion and do my best to make playdates enjoyable. What makes this site important enough for you to put so much time into it? Mainly for the reason that I love video games. Contributing to the community and seeing other people enjoy what I do keeps me going. Plus it helps me build friends with common interest How has the community changed you? Its made me better at interacting with others who disagree with me online and in person. It has also given me a wealth of information and opinions from people with different views or outlooks then me which is great in it of itself. I've also been more motivated to actually do things like video edit and graphic design. What drives you to the extra mile for all these people you have never met before? There is no particular reason. Although I enjoy seeing people have fun over the stuff I help create. Whether it be playdates, discussion, or just the videos I make for people to watch. I guess I dont really have a reason for what I do. Just that I enjoy doing it Great MoM wish Yoshi. I hope my answers were more then enough
  16. April 19th is my Birthday But this is happening early on so I might join...... Put me down as a maybe
  17. I have a bias because I dont really like the AC Games I really enjoyed my time Dying Light. Its a game you can play for awhile and there is a lot to do. Once you get to the endgame and have all your abilities killing Zombies becomes loads of fun. Also compared to AC Unity the game respects your time a lot more. I didnt feel the itching need to go back and collect everything. I completed the main story right away and was able to do so seamlessly. The side quests arent pushed in your face constantly but theyre still there to do them if you wish. Some of the side quests can also be quite interesting(there is one where you need to defend some crazy old fisherman as you both walk a trail) The main quests are also varied. I didnt find myself backtracking a whole lot(you do but there are a lot of routes to take to go to the same place so it keeps things fresh). The parkour system is also kept very basic. You have one button that does everything(jump, and climb). Later on in the game you get a grappling hook(which makes you spider man) and if you find the Super Mario easter egg you get some glider(which isnt useful but fun to use) Also there are a lot of fun easter eggs. They have a Destiny Loot Cave one, another which you play the first world from Super Mario Bros, and another which is Dead Space related and earns you a stasis grenade blueprint. With all that being said though. The story sucks. I didnt enjoy it much but its enough to keep you going. The last mission is really really bad. Luckly for you the gameplay is fun enough you ignore all of this and just want to keep playing. The combat is also quite fun too and mixing it up with different abilites like vaulting and slide kicks. Even backthrows or throwing ninja stars also help. Its content rich if youre willing to dig past the main stuff. The game also isnt a walk in the park. When night comes youre going to die if you try fighting the zombies(its also really dark which makes it harder to see) Overall I would say Dying Light. The game respects your time and the main quests alone arent cookie cutter or that repetitive(one mission has you collecting protection payments, another planting bombs under a timelimit, and another navigating sewers to reach your goal). Its a game you can pick up and finish and feel satisfied afterwards.
  18. This has been greatly affecting our site as well. We've had to resort back to using the 360 in order to host some Halo playdates again. There was even a major lull in site gamenights from November up until March due all these issues. Heck we cant hosts contests either because of the lack of file sharing system. For now we have resorted to other games like Titanfall or Destiny but that just isnt the same as playing Clue on Halo 4 or Ghostbusters on Halo 3. Its nice to see all of us uniting under one banner to get 343i's attention. Lets stay confident and hope they fix it soon. Although sadly with the news of Halo:Online this might get foreshadowed just slightly while people are in rage about its Russian closed beta exclusivity. Dogspeed 343i In other news 343i still isnt that great in the PR Department.
  19. Actually I'll change that For all of Mafia 11.0 Bnus will forge evidence to be any role you want! Just send a PM my way and we can work out the details!
  20. Buns


    Your name is cool AND you speak Spanish! Amigo! Welcome to the forums. Hope to see you around more often. Be sure to customize your profile and make 5 posts so you can partake in the shoutbox! See you around buddy.
  21. I'll most likely make the Halo one. JUST REMEMBER TO PROMOTE YOUR EVENT
  22. Remember that Hunt The Truth trailer and countdown from two days ago? Well once it finally ticked down we got something. Something interesting. We got an alternate reality game(in the vein of ilovebees for Halo 2 and others alike). Except this time it follows an unlikely character. A War Photographer and Journalist named Benjamin Giraud(his name sounds awfully familiar. Maybe it was mentioned in previous Halo lore? I'm thinking Escalation or one of the Kilo-Five novels. Or maybe I'm just being dumb) Benjamin is searching for the truth about Spartan 117. In doing so this fictional character is going to be releasing weekly audio episodes of this search and what he finds. I have a feeling him being a war photographer we might even get some photos in the mix to help. This first episode(Episode 00 Primer) has nothing of significance so not really much to discuss. However feel free to post your theories on what might happen and what Benjamin might uncover. Link to Episode 00 Primer http://huntthetruth.tumblr.com/post/114363776783/episode-00-primer-what-began-as-a-high-profile Next episode is on 3/29 EDIT: Benjamin Giraud is on the Halowiki. He isn't a new character at all! http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/Benjamin_Giraud
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