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Everything posted by Buns

  1. Ok. Then just kill them. Mafians can do that. And here I was thinking you were good at the game and you go and forget what your faction even does.
  2. If you truly end up being Mafian then you would have been the best one yet. I can't even gauge/predict your reactions Lets hope you're not. I would have liked to have you on Pro-Town and not with Dirty Delpenites(new name for the Mafians)
  3. Caboose is right you put Pro-Town at a huge risk voting along with for the same target as two other confirmed Mafians. (Blake and Dexter) Its almost as if you are Mafian The amount of sarcasm in this one post sure doesn't sound like a Pro-Town Civie. Reeks of Mafian scum. Oh am I being overconfident again(two of my Mafian predictions came true I would say I'm pretty good at this)? Which Mafian role are you Santazer? The Hacker? Or is that Dexter Grif?
  4. The people who are enjoying Halo 5 are too busy enjoying it to talk about it I'm still in shock that the majority of the Halo community has been more accepting of Halo 5 compared to Halo 4.
  5. Thats a perfectly valid argument. I'll get back to you on that assumption
  6. So Santa gives himself away as Mafian too? Shame I wasn't entirely suspecting him. Still need to figure out two more people though.
  7. Some of this stuff seems put for a much better place like the dedicated Beta discussion topic http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/39133-halo-5-guardians-arena-multiplayer-beta-discussion/ Although not sure why we're so focused on discussing stuff other then what the beta is showing us. The beta is focused around Arena Multiplayer. That being said I do hope the currency returns but I don't see us getting more armor. I feel like the focus is on making the game good/enjoyable from the start and putting customization to the sidelines. Perhaps for Halo 6 once 343i has figured itself out on the xbox one we can see a whole array of unique and diverse armor pieces.
  8. Lets give Blake a round of applause for accepting his demise. You were a good opponent Blake. You would have lived longer and even gotten crucial Pro-Town information if you didn't vote for Connor(because we never would have suspected you) So yea.... Everyone in Pro-Town vote Blake. He confirmed himself as Mafian
  9. That isn't against the rules The Neutrals could team up/help whoever they want. The neutrals cannot win. They're just mediators within the conflict.
  10. Do you find the ground pound and shoulder charge to be useless? I do. I also haven't slid once. I forgot it was in the game until someone said "oh I can slide!"
  11. Since the beta was released today and most if not all of us are busy playing it. It seems appropriate that we discuss our experiences in unison. If you have a specific issue you would like to discuss then feel free to make a topic about it! So to start what are your general thoughts on the game for those who have played the beta?
  12. I can't become a Mafian because I am the medic The ONLY people who can become Mafians are Alive Civilians who have not been investigated. Which means you fit that criteria. If you're a Mafian you best play it safe and play along with Pro-Town
  13. I'm pretty its a no since it was pretty unpopular and even Yang himself made a rule against it back when he hosted. I believe the rule has stuck throughout.
  14. I just want to add that this is seriously all in good fun. I hope I don't offend everyone with my outlandish propaganda persona on here I do this for the fun of the game. I could care less if any of you are Mafians or innocent. This game of Mafia has been my favorite yet and while Pro-Town might be in a losing spot I still enjoy trying. So no worries Blake or Dexter. Whatever role you may be I hope we can still be best of buds I'm still killing Delpen9 in Mafia 9.0 though
  15. I guess this works..... Delpen9 - Confirmed Stinky pants reposting what I said just in case........ I need the help of all our brave ghosts to publically support my decision to vote Blake. We cannot win this without your help Ghosts I need all Alive Pro-Town/Neutral to vote for Blake if you need to know why we're voting Blake I created this FAQ Although to help Blake out I am 100% willing to listen to any claim on why you are innocent despite your actions being identical to those of two other Mafians. I want to believe you're a civie but when you helped Delpen9 and Dexter kill Connor(you even said you trusted him when you made the PM of yours when you first made it!!) it broke my Pro-Townian Heart. Regardless shoot me a PM on why we shouldn't vote for you and I'll read it. I really want to NOT lynch a Pro-Townian this round ya know?
  16. I created a neat little FAQ as to why Pro-Town has chose to vote the blake Why are we voting Blake Belladonna you might ask? The answer is simple. Despite being told otherwise by CONFIRMED Pro-Town members. He chose to vote for the innocent Connor Kenway instead of voting off Mafian Dexter Grif(if you're a confirmed Pro-Town member and you are in the Pro-Town PM we can indulge you in further details) Blake chose to disobey what confirmed members of Pro-Town said(including me and other ghosts) and then went to proclaim that he is Pro-Town. Blake voted for Connor. Who else voted for Connor? Two Mafians Delpen and Dexter, and The Director(who is the neutral Sniper) Why should we trust you? I have already been confirmed as the medic in round 3. I am a Pro-Townian. It is against the rules for me to help the enemy team and I want to win. What if you are wrong? There is always the chance I am wrong. If I am then the bright side is that we helped narrow the list down to two suspects. This is all in good fun. If Blake is innocent then that sucks for us but we're already at a disadvantage. I am going to vote you instead because reasons! Well you must be Blake to do that, or a Mafian. Thats fine this plan is meant to expose more Mafians. If it ends up being that I am going to die by lynch I will merely use my ultimate in the process. I will still die, but go out with quite the Mafian-stalling bang. *all votes are subject to change if new evidence or more substantial evidence crops up detailing that Yoshi1176 or Santazer* BRING IT ON MAFIAN SCUM. I AM READY FOR WAR. A VOTE AGAINST BLAKE IS A VOTE FOR PRO-TOWN
  17. All Pro-Town players please be online tomorrow We will make our semi-final stand.
  18. Well we all know I'm confirmed as the Medic (this was confirmed back in Round 3 when The Director tried killing me but I protected myself) and while I 100% suspect Blake and Santazer of being Mafians........................ I vote Blake Belladonna If you are Pro-Town then vote for Blake. This message was brought you to by the medic of Pro-Town: Bnus END THE MAFIAN REIGN EDIT: If ANYBODY tries voting me and I am going to die. I WILL use my ultimate. So don't even think about it Dexter or Blake
  19. I agree with the Elites I hope they're playable in the final product. However you forget that the only thing we have seen is an Arena Multiplayer Beta. Not the full game. Regarding the map design I am going to disagree. So far the maps look great and Arena esque. Far from a CoD map.
  20. The beta should already be available for pre-loading. Check if your Xbox One has enough space, and if the beta still isn't available then try restarting/hard reseting(a hard reset requires you to unplug the power cord of your system and reconnect it) your X1. Good luck! I'll see you on the virtual battlefield
  21. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ And there is always the possibility you're going the wrong way.
  22. As the desktop soars into the seas of tomorrow. It glances back at the records it left behind No future. Only cheese
  23. Watch as the Bamboo is planted. Wait 4 years for it to bloom and then you will have your lionflower once again a wallet flys free. Not withstanding the insults coming from the rooftop
  24. Sometimes it helps to focus on that Monkey that poor monkey. All lonely. Isolated from the wonders of our world. Marooned on a desolate point in spacetime. If only we could do something with the cactus. I believe it would make all the Cranberry in the world.
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