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Everything posted by Buns

  1. I vote Delpen9 He has already been confirmed as Mafian boss. He made the smart move getting himself on the list which gives Mafians another chance to keep killing.
  2. The game was getting boring so I thought if I went in guns blazing things would spice up again. Its only because the Mafians have Delpen9 who is arguably very good at this game. Not only that but these people claiming to be Pro-Town don't even work alongside Pro-Town. Although those who are confirmed Pro-Townians are doing a pretty decent job imo. So yep. Our situation is looking meh.
  3. So Blake and Grif and Delpen9 are all Mafians. Neato. BATMAN is just a Pro-Townian who helps the enemy team. No need to panic Pro-Town. We have 3 confirmed Mafians now. Any attempt you make to rebuttal is futile. You have already dug your own grave no need to prove anything. Thanks for taking the hit Connor. Just like Mafia 3.0(or was it 4.0?) you managed to reveal some Mafians again EDIT: Chances are Santezer is most likely a Mafian too. Also if you even think about replying to this you're just proving my point. If you're asking how I came to this conclusion then it is easy. You all display the exact traits of a Mafian. I should know. I was once a Mafian too. (and the fact you all didn't vote for Grif like we asked. More interestingly is that Delpen9 changed his vote which just furthers this conclusion) goodbye and gg Mafians
  4. Will you all stop bickering. This isn't even fun to sift through or read you're all acting silly.
  5. Then you're not helping Pro-Town If Grif turns out to be innocent then that narrows down the suspect list to two people of being a possible Mafian(which are very good odds) I rather kill someone unknown then kill someone we know ISN'T Mafian. Our goal is to eliminate the Mafians. Not kill off neutrals. 4 Votes Grif 3 Votes Ledgend If you really are a Pro-Townian then take the risk and vote Grif. If you're Mafian or want to be suspected of being a Mafian(which honestly I rather work with Neutrals then with Civies who dont work together) then vote Ledgend. Vote Grif. You want to help Pro-Town right?
  6. I vote Dexter Grif Hopefully we're right on this one
  7. Nope. That means the Mafians waste one round killing me (or trying) instead of going for the detective.
  8. What are we gonna do with all the left over gifts?
  9. Ignore Caboose he doesn't speak on the behalf of Pro-Town. I could care less if the Jailkeeper is with you or not. I am interested to know who it is though
  10. Who told you to vote Ledgend? Reposting the list +Delpen9 is confirmed Mafian boss by Detective +The Director is confirmed Sniper. HAHAHAHAHAH AND HE DIDN'T KILL ME HAHAHAHAHA +Jailkeeper is working with The Mafians unless they can prove otherwise. Also only vote(so far) is for Ledgend1221
  11. I'm in contact with The Detective. We will give you an answer on who to vote for in a few. Until then just trust us. A ANYWAYS AHAHAHAHAH DIRECTOR JOKE IS ON YOU AHAHAHAHHA
  12. When is the next scene being posted? I am anxiously waiting TD's so called "sniper skillz"
  13. You want to kill a Pro-Townian. Further proof you're not one of us. but what if I was the one who put you on that suspect list?
  14. If that is the case then nevermind I'm still fully against it.
  15. Fair enough. So if 3(including BATMAN) more join one of them would be Mafian I presume and the Hacker's ability will be used and someone will join the Mafian ranks? You and BATMAN are both confirmed Mafian scum. Prepare to die.
  16. More civvies = more votes. Plus everyone will already know who these civvies are so not only will it be unfair to the Mafians if they make it on the suspect list(because we know those civvies will be innocent) but it will also be 2 more people against them. The way it is right now is perfect. It all depends on the teamwork and cooperation within Pro-Town not mass-voting everyone out. If you or anyone can provide a valid counter-argument why we should have more people other then "5 Mafians(we had 5 last game and it still went well besides the mistakes I made. Pro-Town ended up working together and made quite the stand)" then sure let us go for it. But right now the game has already begun. Let us just leave it be and see how it progresses. They can join next game Yes. I'll be coming after you. Also giving newbies new roles doesn't help either. If anything more roles just muds up the game even more. 11/19 people already have roles. 13/21 wouldn't be any better.
  17. Since when did 1 Mafian = 2 Civies? Seriously keep Join-In-Progress out of this. We're already in round 2 and people have already begun making deductions on who is who. Adding more people just muds up what we already have. Also unless you plan on switching roles around then adding these 2 people is pointless. They will just end up being civies and I don't think people will enjoy roles being switched around either. (or roles being added) Having 5 is fine. As long as Pro-Town works together then we're all good Also no one in any Pro-Town role should PM Centurion. It doesn't matter if he is dead. He is neutral and has no obligation to help Pro-Town.
  18. Caboose died in Round 1 I'm 99% sure Connor is Mafian(only he dislikes Caboose that much. Everyone knows Caboose is more useful dead since he can be trusted) also Delpen9 was appointed to the suspect list. Me and the snitch think alike. Seriously though detective investigate me. Let us get this ball rolling.
  19. Detective please investigate me and we can begin bringing these Mafians down.
  20. Blumpercrust. So who got The Oracle role this game eh?
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