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Everything posted by Buns

  1. Bungie's original idea for Forerunners were that Forerunners were humans. 343i changed that But to answer your question. We don't know. Your question is extremely specific and honestly we didn't/don't know what Bungie's intentions were with the terminals during that time. The obvious answer would be yes. because The Librarian and Iso-Didact are still mortal Forerunners.
  2. Chief goes rogue Just wants burrito Gets burrito dies
  3. Agreed Because now I couldn't play my joke on Delpen and act out my revenge for what he did to me in 3.0(Mayh3m you're next on the revenge list buddy) Now time to add all the current Mafians to my revenge list.
  4. we're not 343i Sorry! we're just a fansite Best of luck solving your issue! I thought Halo 2 customs had split screen multiplayer? I saw some people playing it earlier today?
  5. Yes you can! although looking up online I am not 100% sure how The way previous HaloFest's worked was that HaloFest was a bonus if you bought a PAX Prime Ticket. Not sure if thats the way it is now.... Sorry but hopefully this info helps you narrow down your search!
  6. This is a HUGE wall of text and I sadly can't answer all your questions but ill answer a few. If you organized it more or asked the questions straight to the point I could help with all The first No. The Precursors were created by 343i. Actually the whole idea that the Forerunners are "aliens" was also created by 343i. The original idea for the Forerunners by Bungie was that they were originally going to be humans aswell, but when 343i took over this idea was scrapped Also for that "mystical thing" that happened to Chief during Halo 4. All that happened was the Librarian rewrote Chiefs DNA to have immunity to the composer. Maybe it is more important then we think lore wise, but 343i never expanded on it so I would have to say no.
  7. You're one of the first people to report this issue Are you using a disc? Maybe your disc has a minor spec of dust or worst case scratch? Or it could just be a very uncommon bug with the game. Regardless best of luck! Sorry I cannot offer much help.
  8. We're not actually 343i just a fansite, but you bring up some great discussion points. 1. The reason there is no infection playlist at launch is because they're waiting for good forge maps to be made for it. (This was according to PschyoDuck at THFE who is a Cartographer for Halo. Aka 343i asks for Forge maps and he is one of the people they ask) 2. I am sure this will be added in eventually. We just have to ask 3. I'm surprised this isnt in already 4. Same as 3 5. That would require a LOT of time and effort on 343i's part that they just don't have. Reworking Forge would entail reworking a large chuck of the engine. It just isn't feasible. Plus Halo 2A's Forge is probably the best forge in MCC so I encourage playing around with that instead! 6. This is the same as number 1. They're waiting on maps to be made. 7. Same as 3 These were some very interesting points to bring up. If I have any I'll be sure to add them in. In the meantime feel free to check out the rest of the forum! New members are always welcome!
  9. The first two levels in Halo 2 are cutscenes. Thats weird that they would be blacked out but Cairo Station is technically the first level so don't worry! You're all good. Enjoy Halo 2. It is a fantastic game. Be sure to stick around, new members are always welcomed to the forums!
  10. We're not 343i we are just a community fansite. However I completely agree! If we ask loudly enough hopefully 343i can include this in a future patch! Sorry that you have to deal with presets. Until then feel free to check out the site and partake in plenty of other discussion.
  11. We're not actually 343i we're just a fansite However many people on here and around the internet are experiencing the same issues. Launch day server problems. Happens with every game sadly (hopefully not Halo 5) I am sure 343i is actively working on fixing the issue. Just be patient and play some Single player campaign or Forge! Heck even check out the forums if you want! New members are always welcome.
  12. We're not actually 343i we're just a fansite. Changes happen. Maybe for better or for worse? I think we should wait for the Halo 5 Beta to roll around before being too critical. And plus if you don't like Halo 5. You always got MCC and all your classic Halo experiences!
  13. Its a joke me and Mayh3m wanted to play on Delpen. We honestly didn't expect the Mafian to kill him so quickly. Plus Delpen logged in 2 days before so we never got to play out the joke However originally The Oracle was supposed to do something but in favor of not breaking the game we cut it. Maybe the role and its hidden ability will return. NOW GO BACK TO KILLING EACH OTHER
  14. The Oracle knelt down by the Temple's river. "The time is coming" he said. "I guess I cannot help Pro-Town after all" Cerulean approaches The Oracle asking him the age old question "Will i host Mafia 8.0?" "If you are worthy console pleb" The Oracle mumbled under his breath. Cerulean satisfied with his answer went skipping back to town preparing his pen once again. The Mafian had been preparing for this all day. Sharpening his blade and checking the mag on his MA2B. He headed off for the Temple. Finally ready to execute his plan. "Welcome" The Oracle greeted his fate with open arms. "Try not to make a mess please?". The Mafian grinned and stabbed Delpen9 in the head. The job was done. Quick and easy. Another body to join the pile Delpen9 - The Oracle - Killed by Mafia - Round 2 Suspect List: Caboose The Ace SlenderYang Yoshi1176 Ultimate Remnant You have 48 hours to vote.
  15. Yang already hosted. So allow a few more hosts to come and go before he goes again Anyways its already been decided JL is hosting Mafia 8.0. In my opinion he hosted the best Mafian games and when me/John were preparing this one we looked back on JL(or at least I did) on the kind of host I wanted to be. Delpen9/Yang can host 9.0. If you have any disagreements take this to PM
  16. No need for little battles You guys should be focused on killing each other
  17. ^^^ Here is the link if you still can't find it http://www.343industries.org/forum/forum/160-halo-5-guardians/
  18. I never got to beat you in a 1v1 gg Biggles. Hopefully you will stop by and we can play some PS4 sometime! Maybe even some Little Big Planet 3!!
  19. I'll help you out on this one Rose He is referring to this video[which has been taken down] Anyways Rose was referring to a theory video made by Halo Follower in which he speculates on how SPOILER AHEAD
  20. WELCOME! You picked a great time to join! Hope you stick around See you at the playdates!
  21. 48 hours for voting. Although maybe 72 hours? eh who knows. Well let ya know
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