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Everything posted by Buns

  1. Greetings Forumians! A lot of changes have been taking place recently, and with the YT channel it is no different. While many of you have been wondering why such an inactive channel I have secretly been planning my stratgem to get an active stream of content ready for MCC and beyond! First lets start with the new channel look(all art done by the wonder Austintacious) Along with a more unified look comes two new channel intros(also done by Austin. He basically took my job) Here is a funtage(again by Austin.....) Showcasing one of them! Now that the good looks are out of the way the channel is also currently being updated with some neat new Thumbnails(brought to you by Jack Of Harts) Currently the Back To Mythic playlist are the only ones who have undergone a full new beautiful look: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrRdIDiirqJ_OBDg3WmL8ifflZKYbJPTr Along with all this comes the announcement and update on some new shows coming to the channel Click below to see full details That covers the bulk of the announcement, but when will you be able to watch all this awesome content? Well I am glad you asked! The current video schedule starting this week is a minimum of ONE video per week with a goal of two(being the podcast and another video) Mondays are days which the podcast is posted(Brought to you by Church) Friday/Saturdays around 4pm EST or later are days when any video can be posted. Whether that be a Member Submission or Spartan Setup. Sometimes you will get a video on both days. Sometimes only one. WHO KNOWS I hope you all enjoyed reading up on what has been going on internally the past few months. A lot of may seem like nothing, but I decided this is the best way for me to provide an active stream of content for the forum while also keeping the content engaging and entertaining! Seriously don't forget to check out the channel and subscribe. You get an award and cool videos if you do: https://www.youtube.com/user/343iCommunity At the same time check out our Facebook & Twitter: https://www.facebook.com/343iCommunity // https://twitter.com/343iCommunity *you must inform a Mod in the missing awards thread in order to receive your award* Thanks for reading!
  2. (not)OFFICIAL RULE CHANGE A suicide is now known as "pulling a Mereel"
  3. Helioskrill is my new favorite so far! I really do hope 343i aims to create more compelling armor like some of the ones shown above. Halo 4 took a very odd direction and none of the armor made me feel like some sort of super human alien killing tough guy like Halo Reach(you had bullets on your shoulder. Now thats just rad) Hopefully we see more increased/specific customization with Halo 5. Advance Warfare has done a really good job with cosmetics, and making each individual player have a unique look.
  4. Halo 3 ODST firefight is my favorite thing in Halo of all time. I would love both games to make it over to X1, but sadly that doesn't seem likely for the time being :--( Mainly because that is going to split the playerbase even more then MCC plus Marketing that will be quite the fiasco.
  5. Every role has 48 hours to make their decision. If they fail to do that then a RNG will do it for them. There will be no waiting. Also don't forget we have two hosts, and if an issue comes up where neither of us could make a scene then someone dead will be put in charge(although that seems highly unlikely)
  6. This Seventh round of Mafia is brought to you by TheSilverCenturion, Bnus, and Mountain Dew. Original Sign Up post: http://343i.org/2i1 Rules + How to play PLAYER LIST: Yoshi1176 - Jailkeeper - Killed by Mafia - Round 4 Rue Civilian - Killed by Mafia - Round 3 Ultimate Remnant - Mafian - Killed by Sniper - Round 3 rrhuntington SlenderYang TK666 SikSlik7 Unease P34nut - Civilian - Lynched - Round 3 Delpen 9 - The Oracle - Killed by Mafia - Round 2 The Director Cerulean Dexter Grif Shinya Kogami - Civilian - Killed by Mafia - Round 1 Emperor Caboose - Mafian Lynched - Roun Ruby Rose Axilus Prime Self Destruct Civilian Lynched - Round 1 Ledgend1221 Best of luck everyone! First scene will be up by Thursday(November 6th). Any questions, compliments, comments, or concerns then please contact me or TheSilverCenturion.
  7. I was the November 2013 MoM. So it makes me proud to see a fellow Gibus earn the title a year later(albeit it was long overdue) Enjoy your Month in Pink Engie Lets play some Scream Fortress before it ends!
  8. I am doing no-shave november instead(except I guess ill be breaking the rules since I honestly despise Mustaches more then I despise Aliens Colonial Marines so no mustache for me!) Great idea to bring it to everyone's attention Maestro!
  9. Welcome back! Will you be getting the new Star Fox game when it is released next year ;D Hope to see you around!
  10. Foundry I mean the map was one of the best maps to forge on. Imagine with Halo 2A's new forge features and the power of the X1 could do to help it! What if you could open the doors that lead outside or drive Forklifts Foundry also had a huge deal of variety when it came to lighting and out of all Halo 3 Forge maps the Foundry ones stood out the most to me. As for new features besides adding in all the new content like a Gungoose or Forklift(pls 343i). The addition of Garage doors that can be switched on/off and the possibility of more space outside of the base "Foundry area from Halo 3" would seem like the right direction to go.
  11. Yoshi1176 Rue Ultimate Remnant rrhuntington - TK 666 SikSlik7 Unease P34nut Delpen69 The Director Cerulean Dexter Grif Shinya Kogami Emperor Caboose Ruby Rose Axilus Prime Self Destruct Ledgend1221 That is the current Sign-Up list for Mafia 7.0(if I missed anybody tell me, TSC will edit this into the main post when he gets on)
  12. if that happens it will be a tie or we could have a vote to keep going
  13. Neutrals are Neutrals. No matter what they do or who they help they will remain Neutral. They do not win or lose.
  14. The neutrals will not win or lose. They merely must act out their role in the best way they see fit. If they want to help both sides then they can do that.
  15. I am dead I am better then all of you That is all Good luck Pro-Town. Murder those mafians
  16. I just realized that I am dead oh I win
  17. So far me and Mayh3m have taken some ideas from this thread and plan on adding them into 7.0 But that will be a surprise
  18. I feel like it will handle like a Ghost that can fly. I love how 343i is bringing back such old thrown out concepts and reusing them for new games. Makes me happy
  19. I agree with all of this 100% However having the bubble shield as an option for Custom Games would be great too(I quite like the grenade idea).
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