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Everything posted by Buns

  1. As far as I am aware if previous Halo games were localized for Korea I am sure MCC will be aswell. If not then I highly recommend gathering community support and requesting one from 343i. There is always the chance they will consider it best of luck with everything! Hopefully you found this answer helpful!
  2. It is impossible to obtain the flaming helmet now in Halo Reach. Bungie has deleted their app, and the codes for the flames have expired long ago. I am sorry to say but you are out of luck. Hopefully you can get a flaming helmet in the next Halo game though!
  3. You guys are awful people Look at you rejoice in the murder of another human. I truly believe Pro-Town are the ones in the wrong. Your attitude for death disgusts me Pro-Town and for that. You must be punished.
  4. Nope The current radar system is lovely and gets the job done. Not only that but its so simple that it works perfectly in forge maps(where as creating a minimap might cause some issues with custom maps) However the idea of a minimap in Halo seems like something that would be useful in Campaign or Firefight but even there I still prefer the current radar system. Halo 4 also made massive improvements with being able to indicate if the enemy was above or below you.
  5. Hurry Prophet Delpen. The nogoers must not discover our secret.
  6. The thing is You don't know. You cannot prove that I am intentionally doing so. You don't know my motivations. A word of advice Axilius. Use the sword as a sword. Best of luck
  7. I told everyone I was Mafian No one voted for me Good logic.
  8. You were an extremely entertaining member Bubbles. I enjoyed the few shoutbox conversations we had. Best of luck with life, and medical school! We will still be here awaiting your return! Not everyone. Most leave but always come back or visit regularly, but as of recently our site caters to a very niche community. Which is a curse and a blessing. Although I love how members let us know they're leaving. A very honorable trend.
  9. Its a staff joke. I wasn't actually banned I wrote this on the staff skype chat and Director found it funny enough that thought it should be posted. Hence why it is in offbeats Although (attempting)insulting The Director part is true, and I have been account banned for the April Fools prank earlier this year.
  10. The following is an ancient poem. Written by the one we call Bnus when he was banned from the place of gathering known as the shoutbox for his insulting remarks to the mighty mod The Director. After finally being uncovered along with Bnus rotting banned corpse. For the first time in centuries it can be read. May Twam be with you and hope you never have to face the wrath of the one they call The Director. I'm sorry my dear Lord The mightesy of them all Ruler of Mods Giver of Bans Your words are those of wisdom and your actions of valor Please forgive the soul that is mine unlink the ban that you have cast upon it I promise to not defy you my dear lord Albert Director of all
  11. Buns


    Welcome to the site friend! I actually tend to lurk on Halo Archive. I don't have an account(yet) but I did look at your Youtube channel awhile back and loved what I saw! I run the Youtube channel for our lovely forum here. It is nice to see staff from another site on here! Hope you enjoy your stay and if you have any questions feel free to ask.
  12. Now time for the murder scene! If the mafians can finally decide that is....
  13. They won't believe me at this point. I've convinced everyone I am trolling
  14. I love how Yang couldn't actually confirm I was Civie he had to say "as of now" So that means. Bnus MAFIAN CONFIRMED
  15. I would love if the Plasma Rifle came back. It was replaced by the inferior "Storm Rifle" and it just wasn't the same I miss mowing down my enemies with a hail of suppressant Plasma fire. It felt so good to get a range kill with that weapon and paired with a Carbine it did some work in Firefight/Campaign R.I.P Plasma Rifle
  16. Greg Bear(author of the Forerunner trilogy) did an amazing job in my opinion and I would love to see more Halo stories by him, But as for another Author? I think Robert Zurbin(author of "How To Live On Mars") could make an interesting manual on how to live life in the outer colonies.
  17. Welcome to the forums! You seem like someone who enjoys good Halo Lore discussion so never hesitate to bring it up with me in the shoutbox Anyways hope to see you become a regular. With MCC coming around we got loads of awesome events planned and plenty of discussion topics will be created around Locke once Nightfall comes out along MCC
  19. I'll write the scene View at your own risk
  20. That leaves Ledgend1221 or BecknoningZebra1 and honestly Ledgend1221 seems like the better candidate due to him being more active. All the special Pro-Town roles are dead so that means Ledge can't take advantage of anything + He is already in the Mafian PM and won't leak anything But if Ledge switches over to Host that means he is no longer in the game and to make things even we really should have another Civie convert over because now its just getting unfair(Pro-Town has a higher chance of winning each game regardless but this is up for the host to decide) Anyways I am 100% in favor of Ledgend being host.
  21. I wouldn't care honestly. I like sprint, but if 343i decided it didn't need to be in the game then oh well. I just want Halo 5 to be fun to play and if its fun to play with or without spring that is all that matters to me. Interesting question though.
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