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Everything posted by Buns

  1. Buns

    Bye Bye :(

    You're a very important member of the forum just like everyone else on here so never say otherwise! Hope your life goes well and everything gets better so you can return to the forum in a timely manner You have brought us not only your prime example of being a good member but also wonderful creations like Drizzy_Doge C ya soon H5WBC! Better be back by Halo 5 ;D
  2. Hope to see you soon! Until then have a good one Yang
  3. Prophet Delpen has convinced me I change my vote from Butch Flowers to Self Destruct
  4. I vote Butch Flowers because he has Butch in his name therefore being a Butcher therefore would be a perfect addition to Mafian scum town.
  5. I knew. I was the one who got you killed I have my grabby grabby hands everywhere.
  6. Wait so you never investigated me? YES I AM STILL MAFIAN.
  7. The Director posted the investigation results awhile back.
  8. where is suspect list?!?!
  9. He stopped working on Scrolls ages ago. Mojang owns/develops Scrolls and has been for quite some time. Great game too.
  10. Civies have no roles nor are they required to help pro-town. I have done this before and so have other players(maybe not to my extent) Its the fun of the game. To play your role. This whole time I've been in contact with the Mafia feeding them false info. Now that you released that list they can narrow done the suspects for Detective. I had to act like a trolling bread in order to gain a certain mafians trust. I WAS SO CLOSE TO BEING TOLD THE OTHER TWO Now with Prime being outed as Pro-Town my fake detective evidence has been thrown out the window. (I created false evidence making Prime be the detective which was very believeable) There you heard my plan. Sorry for using unorthodox methods to help Pro-Town. I'm out. Me no help next time
  11. No Not true, not true at all. I am Mafian Prime said so!
  12. lol at Pro-Town not trusting SilverCenturion Foolish Pro-Townian scum you are. I can't wait to see you all perish.
  13. Bnus is a dirty mafian scum!!! Kill Bnus!!!
  14. Hey guys I am Mafian. Funny how Prime ignores me once I agree with his prediction about my role? actually now all of you ignore me Mafian will win and you will regret not believing me.
  15. Why not make the smart choice and allow the detective ONLY during suspect lists that way we have a harder time figuring which individual is the detective between rounds.
  16. Correct. 4 of which have already broken into your ranks. How do you think we figured out the medic?
  17. How about...... The Vulture(Halo Wars) The Vulture was a huge powerhouse of uber destruction. Sadly you couldn't actually get in the pilot seat during Halo Wars but imagine how awesome if it was an option for custom games? ? It is probably far too overpowered for regular play due to its uber status. Which is probably the reason why it would never be in a Halo FPS Game. However all the cool boss battle minigames or just minigames in general that could be done with this makes me a very happy loaf. Great poll as always BZ
  18. I hate you guys so much Stop ignoring me I am Mafia
  19. I am Mafian you all suck lolbye
  20. I am Mafia I am literally telling you guys and none of you say anything about it Easy win. No challenge. gg Pro-Town
  21. I have bought every issue up until now I see no reason to not buy it. The comics have been pretty great so far, and the latest one being my favorite. They really are adding to the ongoing story.
  22. How about asking "What games have you been playing?" and springing the conversation from there. I think simple questions can encourage good discussion if all parties involved are interested in discussion.
  23. VICTORY Mafians are going to win Pro-Town is bad
  24. I'll be there to dine with the Brutes or something idk rrhunt was making a joke.
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