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Everything posted by Buns

  1. 1. Most likely anything from Halo 2A or Foundry from Halo 3 2. Halo 2A, Arbiter Flood Mission 3. None. I am very much finished with Spartan Ops. You should also answer your own questions too
  2. lol Pro-Town is so bad. I was Mafian and none of you managed to even get me lynched, gg scrubs
  3. I am Mafian. We are all Mafian Mafia is love, Mafia is life.
  4. If P34nut really was medic then everyone who voted for him is automatically Mafia.
  5. Bungie has already announced that Destiny will be their focus for the next 10 years. Including 4 games + DLC + Any other forms of media that arise.
  6. Saving spot to post my Guardian later. I need to run off right now.
  7. This question is really hard to answer mainly because Destiny is in such an odd position for a game. Did you play the Beta? Did you enjoy it? If the answer is yes then pick up Destiny because the game has a wealth of content. However if you never played the beta and still want to know if the game is worth your time well do you have a lot of time. The game has a huge grind similar to reaching max rank in Halo:Reach. If you do have time to spare then do you have friends to play with? The game is loads better with friends, playing alone will only get you so far. I personally really like Destiny for the lore, gear, and character/class customization. The combat is very slow but still snappy and feels good. My biggest complaint is the 30 FPS.
  8. This is fun to watch. My vote stays as nothing.
  9. Buns


    WELCOME BACK!! We don't mind if you no longer play Halo anyone is welcome to our community! Actually a great member called Caboose The Ace doesn't even own an Xbox anymore and is still very active and contributes to all manner of discussions.
  10. Yes pick a random civie and make them Mafian. It can't be Ruby Rose though since we know he is a Civie after you leaked it out first round.
  11. I love SuperBunnyHop! All his other videos are absolutley fantastic. I suggest you all give them a watch. My favorite is the Japanese Indie Games one
  12. Basically all the animals you have said. I can't wait for the day we teach a Gorilla how to play Pong. A great day indeed.
  13. This is a great thing you have done TMM I am actually really proud you did it. I am just as sorry for any trouble I have caused you I seriously hope we can all learn from this and you can become a much better member around the forum. I know you have the potential to be one
  14. Yes but like SD said to keep the playlist separate. I WANT TO START WITH A CARBINE They should also rework the loadout system quite a bit to make it extremely simple if it were to return.
  15. Actually on the contrary Supersonic is approx 768 MPH. Therefore we know a Banshee can fly greater than or equal to 768 MPH
  16. It isnt that I don't trust you its just that anyone can be a Mafian. Sorry man precautions must be taken. We're still friends though right....?
  17. There is no "official" Pro-Town PM I am the self-declared leader of the Pro-Town Freedom Force. Our goal is to root out the Mafian scums and bring them justice whilst protecting high value targets(medic, detective, jailkeeper). You have not been iinvitedbecause you have been unable to confirm your innocent as of yet. Everyone is Mafian until proven otherwise, that includes me aswell. I am sorry but back in 2.0 I was easily able to get into the Pro-Town PM as a Mafian. I won't allow the same mistake to be made. In the name of Freedom.
  18. Keep in mind BZ1 was defending Ledgend1221 in his suspect list calling him the medic. Therefore we have a 50/50 probability that Ledgend1221 is Mafian. However BZ1 could have been fooling us, but I really don't think he is clever enough to do that. I won't be voting for anyone(yet) since I am on the suspect list and don't want to put myself in a compromising position for future rounds. Godspeed Pro-Town.
  19. I already started the Mafia 6.0 Pro-Town freedom force PM(on skype) If you're not a part of it because you haven't been confirmed Pro-Town. I am not adding anyone who isn't dead, investigated, or something similar.
  20. This is a repost. Can a mod please delete?
  21. We are not 343i and 343i hasn't commented on the issue as far as I am aware. Just be patient and wait a day or two. I am sure your Spartan will be restored. Stuff like this has happened in the past and everything turned out ok.
  22. Now you're just giving it away you're a Mafian.
  23. They haven't confirmed anything but I assume it will since Halo 3 and Halo 4 had split screen online multiplayer. Stick around and we will be sure to update you if 343i ever confirms it!
  24. *glares at additional content for TF2, Dota 2, and improvements to content creation with recent release of Source 2* Valve enjoys making games. It's just that with all the money from Steam and Micro-Transactions (Dota 2/TF2/CS:GO) They make enough money that they don't have to rush anything. Source 2 is their current focus as of now along with updating the recent maps for TF2(with a new one on the way) and updating Dota 2(They have a new hero up and coming and are fixing up the modding tools). Valve can now take as long as they want with anything. I expect Half-Life 3 will come out. One day. Years from now.
  25. Still a Scummy Mafian. Like I said We're all Mafian.
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