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Everything posted by Buns

  1. Sadly I don't think we should have anymore players Because that could disrupt the balance of the game plus we can't make them mafians(maybe we can make one of them mafian) but then its unfair to them because there is a 50/50 chance of us guessing their role and that is too damn high! Maybe for next game we have 18 players. Who knew Mafia would get this filled this quicky; nice to see the forum supporting it.
  2. WHAT?!?!?! DRIZZY TOLD ME I WOULD BE MoM so unfair Congrats Blake this has been a long time coming! Good luck with your new promotion.
  3. You must consult with Lenny for the answer I disagree with you. I didn't get a role which if it wasn't random but hand picked then I know I would have a role. DarkAngel loves me enough to make me do something in Mafia. I do admit though the jailkeeper concept is pretty neat.
  4. Welp I have no role for the third game in a row Kind of dissapointed too. Was hoping I could be Mafia again and run Pro-Town into the ground.
  5. Sign me up! This game of Mafia is getting filled quickly how exciting.
  6. Buns

    Mafia 5.0

    However Yang if you really want to then make two threads. But it is a better decision to make ONE thread because we dont need to clutter offbeats with Mafia threads. Work smarter not harder. Make one thread Good luck with hosting.
  7. I love the new sounds but that hollow sound you're talking about is the new sound system. In Halo 2A sound actually echoes and sounds different depending on the environment that you are in. The new sniper sound is my favorite and the plasma pistol sounds like an air conditioner
  8. Buns

    Mafia 5.0

    Just make the sign up thread and game thread a SINGLE thread like all the previous Mafian games(except this one)
  9. Buns

    Mafia 5.0

    You still did a great job as Mafian regardless Prime Although you act very differently when you're Mafia you tend to act very differently. I was suspecting you ever since you wanted to lynch oar since I know you used to be better at making logical decisions and providing thoughtful evidence then picking someone outright. Just try to act more like a Pro-Town next time you're Mafian.
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovvUSJIzE-w I ran across this video in my subscriptions today and it was extremely informative. It might be common knowledge to some of you, but for the lazy people like me who rarely use Theater I found this useful. So for all you Halo photographers or Machinators. Enjoy
  11. Buns

    Mafia 5.0

    not me. Yang displayed some interest but then again he has no idea how the hosts selects the mafia so someone should guide him through it first.
  12. Buns


    I apologize I am not very good with goodbyes. I want to make an extremely long post on what a wonderful member you have been Maestro and how many times I've used you as an example of what a member should be. You're not only filled with good discussion, but with great creative ideas as well. From your ambitious multi-ending game Tangents, to Halo Gear Solid. I wish we had the chance to talk more about the creative process. Thank you so much for your help in TGFW and all the ideas you put to the table. Thank you again for the fun gametypes you provided as well. I hope we get the chance to play Halo Gear Solid when the MCC comes around at glorious 1080p <3 See you at the mission end screen Maestro. This better not be the last time we talk.
  13. I'll be doing this hopefully Monday. I don't have access to any big container of liquid right now.
  14. I never once stated that you were in the wrong for having your opinon. I merely said we think differently on this situation and I have no issue with it. We have different opinions and thats ok. At least Halo isn't being made E for everyone. And for the time being we aren't getting "Halo drumsticks, Halo undies, Plasma Grenade Ice Cream" Although we have had Halo mouses, keyboards, laptops, and even a Halo 3 MP3 Player back in 07. If anything this Cortana app isn't as bad as that Zune player MS released 7 years ago(although it did look cool). AT least the Cortana app(as Coldfeeeze stated above) is tied in with Halo lore in an EXTREMELY LOOSE way.
  15. While you do have a point just because they made a Cortana companion app is by no way "watering down" Halo. Now if they made an infant show for Halo that would be watering down Halo. Halo is popular. Stuff like this is bound to happen because Halo won't have this fanbase forever. I know you don't like it but MS wants the $$$. As long as they aren't making additonal products that clearly have no place or anything to do with Halo then their current strategy is fine. Sure this Cortana app isn't all that related to Halo so that is already starting to cross the line but for the time being they aren't milking it to the extent that something like Call of Duty has been milked. Then again everyone has a different opinion for what milking it is.
  16. Yes As long as it is popular it can be milked. The milk won't always be good but it can happen.
  17. Buns

    Mafia 5.0

    just let Axilius die even if he was Pro-Town he is the most unhelpful member of Pro-Town I have ever seen this game. If Prime is innocent then JL is mafian. Easy.
  18. Buns

    Mafia 5.0

    Its pretty obvious Prime is Mafia. He keeps trying to deny Yoshi is medic when TWO confirmed innocent are saying otherwise.
  19. Buns

    Mafia 5.0

    Why not vote everyone off? That way it can end in a tie!
  20. I don't see the need to name everything after yourself. Its an event no need to give it such an extravagant name. People here know you will be host. Give it a cool original name. Not "Member name, game name" I am not trying to point you out in particular its just been a common trend lately and I dont see why it needs to be. Although I really like the banners. Each matches the game and that is very nice to see, you're getting better with photoshop
  21. Buns

    Mafia 5.0

    He is. Me and Ledge personally saw the PM I was even pretending to be medic in certain PMs so no one thinks it is Yoshi.
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