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Everything posted by Buns

  1. Xbox 360, Day one(also voted) If anyone else is getting Destiny for the 360 please tell me so we can do some raids together bby.
  2. Buns

    Mafia 5.0

    JL The Chopstick User or Prime are Mafians. Yoshi/Centurion/Ledgend1221 are innocent. Trust me. Also Blake you made yourself sound like a Mafian. It isn't our fault you were acting like the enemy. At least you took down a Mafian so be happy about that.
  3. Buns

    Mafia 5.0

    DarkAngel really seems like a civie. Please don't act dumb. Please vote Blake. He is an obvious mafian(or he just acts like one)
  4. Buns

    Mafia 5.0

    RSR said it in the shoutbox, and ask any mod.
  5. Buns

    Mafia 5.0

    Just like you thought it was Oar
  6. Buns

    Mafia 5.0

    Well at least we killed a Mafian. Also Rue investigated me and Delpen. She worked with Ledgend that is why she thought he was innocent. Does it confirm his innocence? Not 100% but the mafians wouldn't be dumb enough to kill off their own kind.
  7. Nintendo needs new IPs? *Glares at the 4+ new IPs announced at E3* Nintendo just made the awful mistake of having no games when the Wii U launched. They also have extremely odd business practices and beliefs which before actually made them unique, but now it is hurting them. However I don't believe the Wii U is down for the count yet. It still sells very well and all 1st Party Nintendo games are exceptionally well made. With Smash Bros coming out this Winter we're going to see a huge increase in Nintendo sales. That being said though I am not 100% confident they will live for another console generation if they continue to suffer major downward trends for several more years, but it is still way too early to come to any conclusion. They're in a rut but still have a chance to get out of it.
  8. Buns

    Mafia 5.0

    Stinky is only temporary guys. Please keep calling me Bnus. Also quite pathetic that the mafians killed me that only helps make me more believable.
  9. ADS Can't be in Halo because if you know anything about Halo lore most if not all soldiers use their helmets Smart-Link to synchronize with their weapon optic(and Spartans can synchronize with Covenant weapon optics. I assume the rest of the UNSC can now as well) That is why you dont ADS when you zoom in with the BR. Because your helmets hud handles that. Now I can hear you say "Well not all Halo games are always lore friendly" while this is true to an extent all Halo games(besides Reach) have been fairly accurate to lore while still keeping the game fun. Also no one here is attacking you. You wanted discussion and we're providing it.
  10. There is no facts here. This is just YOUR opinon and that doesn't make it right/good for Halo With that being said I agree with a few things you stated but I think 343i should aim to cater to both audiences. Halo is an Arena shooter at its heart and we should support those Arena elements, but some players really enjoy the more casual loadout system and we should support that too. Halo has always supported variety and thats a great thing. It makes the game flexible while also catering to niche audiences. Although if 343i had to pick one side I say stick with what made Halo, Halo(but also add some fresh new Arena elements like they are doing with Halo 5) It is fairly clear that 343i is listening to the old fans with the next game and while they haven't said "no" to loadouts(I fully believe loadouts will be in the game, but only in certain playlist which is PERFECT that way players have a choice) Really long write up. You would be surprised quite a few people would agree with you on this.
  11. I really loved Extraction and Dominion and I thought they were great ideas. However I felt like it could be done better. Extraction seems more suited for 6v6 or 5v5 type engagements similar to CTF(Basically a CTF Alternative) Hopefully it gets some more love in Halo 5 Guardians!
  12. They should just force bumper jumper onto everyone and there would be no bad players. Also that is a great template you got for us Ded thanks for sharing.
  13. I read explosions. I love the idea of running away from explosions into an extraction point. Reminds me a bit of the ending of Titanfall matches.
  14. Raids? Halo doesn't have raids ;-; Also we are not affiliated with the official 343i we are merely a fansite. Although I am very confused on raids. Halo has never had raids. Perhaps you are just talking about something else, could you elaborate and maybe we can help point you in the right direction?
  16. wait if BZ1 is now a mod.... then that means he can shoutban me D: THIS IS NOT GOOD I DEMAND A RECOUNT ALL HAIL BZ1 Regardless congrats to all of you! I can't wait to start bothering you for favors and be pushy with my ideas. Really happy to have new additions on the team
  17. I would love it on PC but I feel as if that won't happen until Windows 9. Then Microsoft can make people get windows 9 by selling Halo MCC on it. Just like they did with Halo 2 Vista.
  18. Buns

    Mafia 5.0

    Please read the previous post The detective INVESTIGATED me and Delpen9. The detective worked with Ledgend and so did I and his actions clearly dictate someone who isn't Mafia. Rue also posted her results shortly after she died. While I don't know if you or P34nut are Mafian we will find out either way once the lynch is over. If you're innocent then I am sorry if you're Mafian then HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH also I change my vote to Unease P34nut Unease P34nut - 5(Blake, Axilus Prime, MoM Destruct, DarkAngel, Bnus) MoM Destruct - 5 (Delpen9, TheSilverCenturion, Yoshi, P34nut, Ledgend1221) Now the votes are even. No one change and NO ONE VOTE. The risk is high but if both of them are innocent then that means Ledgend is mafia. Either way we're going to kill a Mafian or uncover one soon enough.
  19. Buns

    Mafia 5.0

    Actually I encourage that you vote P34nut. If we even out the votes we get two kills and if both of you are innocent then that means Ledgend is mafia and boom at the end of the day we discovered someone! That was the same assumption you used with Oar. But still vote P34nut. Let us even them out and see what happens.
  20. Buns

    Mafia 5.0

    Just to make it easier for Butch and everyone else. Current votes Bnus - 0 Ledgend1221 - 0 Unease P34nut - 1 (Blake) MoM Destruct - 4 (Delpen9, TheSilverCenturion, Yoshi, Bnus)
  21. Buns

    Mafia 5.0

    I vote MoM Destruct I suggest all of "Pro-Town" does as well. If we are wrong then we know P34nut is Mafian. If we are right then we killed a Mafian. Either way the odds are in our favor.
  22. Buns

    Mafia 5.0

    That gives us a 50/50 Chance of killing off a Mafian. If you actually are Pro-Town then vote when I tell you. We need to work together on this. Me, Delpen, and a few others that shall remain unnamed will come up with the conclusion ourself. I cannot promise that we will be accurate but I can promise that working together is the only way we're going to win. Also keep in mind Rue only investigated me and Delpen. She was working with Ledgend which is why she listed three people.
  23. Buns

    Mafia 5.0

    PRO-TOWN SHALL NOT FAIL Delpen welcome aboard the Pro-Town freedom force. Lets kill some Mafians
  24. Buns

    Mafia 5.0

    I am suspecting you too don't try to get soft with me Anyways I PM'd Rue to post the results of her two investigations in this thread. Hopefully that will help clear the water on some roles. I think we should all refrain from voting until she actually posts.(I guess you could say I am saying this because I am suspect)
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