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Everything posted by Buns

  1. Buns

    Mafia 5.0

    To make matters worse I just realized I am a suspect
  2. As long as the event is still happening at 5pm EST then I most likely can make it.
  3. You're talking about the people who successfully managed to kidnap dozens of Children after spending months(or was it years?) of surveillance to determine who were the best suited for the S-II program. You're also talking about 500 years in the future where we have A.I that can think like humans(being that they're created from a human brain and all) and a variety of other improvements to general infrastructure. So yes. I trust that if our modern day society can manage record keeping and keep a relatively low error margin then a fictional society 500 years in the future can do the same with little error. Can they keep it up 100? No. Can they keep track of all the S-III's? Of course. You're talking about their prized disposable super soldiers. They were in a time of war and needed every single resource they can get. One S-III can easily change the tide of a battle so of course they're going to do their best to keep tabs on them. Although I completely miss the point. Are you saying ONI forget some of their S-III's? Or are you implying ONI just erased all traces of those files?
  4. If Halo adds anything people will say it copied something. We can't avoid that. I would personally love to see some sort of hunting Bow. I know they are never mentioned and probably don't exist(besides for humans) but imagine if the Brutes had a bow they used back on their planet? Or the Sangheilli? It would look so purple and cool. Although some sort of Forerunner bow would look pretty fantastic as well. Imagine a bow that detonates on impact like a sticky launcher? Or a bow that lets you pick different types of arrows each with different effects.
  5. Buns

    Mafia 5.0

    Shut your face Mafian.
  6. Actually the Military does this thing called record keeping. Heck even the modern day Military does it. Anyone with the right clearance will know the service record of any solider. For example a Fresh Recruit won't have access to the entire service record MC but the CINCONI will have access.(being an ONI Spook and all) I never said "general intel" I said "service record". I never said the general public has clearance to the S-III information. I merely said that while the S-III's become S-IV's their service record* will state their past. *- Those with a high enough clearance Although I see where you misunderstood me. Next time I'll make a better effort to clarifying myself.
  7. Actually Spartan-II's will always remain S-II's due to their surgical and chemical modifications whereas S-III's(and presumably S-IV's however we don't have enough data yet) only received chemical modifications. The S-III's were offered the upgrade to S-IV's only. Fred is seen wearing new armor which is perfectly canonical since Spartans can easily just change their armor into one of the newer superior versions which is exactly what Fred and the remaining S-II's did. But to answer your question OP we know that Locke will be a playable character in Halo 5 so we will be playing as both a Spartan-II(Master Chief) and a Spartan-IV(Agent Locke). That is because Spartan-II's received Catalytic Thyroid Implants which resulted in their extreme growth(Other Spartan Generations did not recieve those implants which explains the shorter S-III's) They're most likely specified as a S-IV as their current "rank" or "division" so to say but their service record will clearly mention their S-III past which then leads them to theoretically still being S-III's
  8. Basically as the title says. I for one would love to see not only the addition of new units, factions, commanders, etc But a Forge mode with the ability to create your own RTS maps. Even Space Combat portions where the cruisers act as mobile bases. A Co-Op esque mode would also be lovely. Imagine working with your buddies fighting in a huge map against waves of flood. However one of my more bigger hopes is a nearly unlimited troop count and bigger maps/6v6 lobby counts. I would love to just have one seemingly big war with all of you. It would give new meaning to TGFW. Anyways discuss your ideas down below!
  9. I have to disagree with you there. It seems extremely unlikely 343i would spend 3 years creating entirely new art assets and then just dump them after one ingame use. The Brutes didn't appear in Halo 4 and I don't believe were mentioned yet we had a Gravity Hammer(For Griffball's sake) I think if anything we're going to see newer, even crazier Forerunner weapons. Along with new Human and Covie ones as well. I feel as if all of Halo 4's weapons would return and hopefully some of the Reach exclusive weapons would make an appearance. I miss my sticky launcher
  10. Like Prime said we're just a fun loving Halo community that love Halo as much as the Flood love infecting. With that said I would love if we got a new sound effect when we get a headshot in multiplayer. Something like the sound of glass shattering from the visor or a skull cracking. I mean the medal should return too, but a new sound should come along with it. Just saying..... I love sounds......
  11. Buns

    Mafia 5.0

    Mafias are communist!!
  12. Buns

    Mafia 5.0

    He did. Ledgend is telling me he investigated well... me. Want to know the results? Then read back yourself
  13. Buns

    Mafia 5.0

    No. Overthinking leads to non-logical speculation. Haven't you watched the original Star Trek? We need to be logical in order to succeed. We need to be like Spock.
  14. Buns

    Mafia 5.0

    Everyone really seems to be overthinking everything. This is exactly why Pro-Town fails sometimes Rather then pointing figures in every radical direction how about we wait for the next scene to happen the start coming up with clues from there? It sounds a lot better then putting on your tinfoil hat and acting like the Illuminati are out to get us.
  15. Buns

    Mafia 5.0

  16. Buns

    Mafia 5.0

    Godspeed Medic make the best guest you can ever make. Also Do NOT PM anyone Detective. Keep your mouth shut and only PM the Pro-Town who are dead or those successfully protected by the Medic. There is no need to risk exposing yourself to all these Mafian scum claiming "we need to talk" allow the dead to be your voice. Don't be so quick to point out JL because you have been acting rather odd yourself You attacked Oar with the base assumption that "he was silent" when back in Mafia 2.0 you provided good evidence to your accusations and would never vote with some sort of logical conclusion. Now you seem less calculated. More trigger happy.
  17. Buns

    Mafia 5.0

    Hmm ok thank you for the clarification. So sorry Oar you were going to die no matter what. We did our best to prevent it.
  18. Buns

    Mafia 5.0

    I said that I was just asking Butch if he knows about it because the rules dont say that it isnt allowed and he never told us that it isn't allowed.
  19. Buns

    Mafia 5.0

    Null means no one gets killed. When Null wins(in this case it was a tie) that means that no one gets lynched. This rule has been around since 1.0 I believe and your rules(unless I misread) allow the "null" voting option since it doesnt say otherwise.
  20. I think SD means don't just use "flood" but I assume youre going to be playing Hivemind, Plauge, Salvation, Flood, Last Stand, etc. These flood playdates and gametypes have been done to "death" so make sure you plan it properly and find all the maps/gametypes beforehand and make sure they work before hosting. THFE has a great collection of Tested Flood Maps so you can always check them out for what you need. I vote Flood Mod(s) with Regular Flood staples, and DLC/Non- DLC maps. Have some variety and don't narrow your selection too much.
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