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Everything posted by Buns

  1. Well if you're a fan of Halo then of course. The answer is an obvious yes
  2. 1. They said the ring performed a slipspace jump and ended up in a very very bad place.(Frank O Connor said this in the Comic Con panel) 2. Someone hasn't read the Forerunner trilogy. Read it then you would know the flood can choose who they want to infect. They're smarter then just "kill everything zombies" you just got de-BUNked. Don't question the forum mastermind of Halo lore, or you will face the same fate as the Forerunners.
  3. Welcome to the 40th 343i Weekly Community Poll! The previous week I asked whether all of you would like to see the return of old PvE modes or some new ones. The response was great let us view the winner below: This week with all the awesome Comic Con news. The question must be asked! For Halo: Nightfall. Do you want the flood to return or for this to be a brand new threat entirely? I advise watching the trailer before voting! Make sure to leave your thoughts along with your vote down below! Deadline: 8/03/2014 @ 9pm EST Thank you so much for participating in this weeks poll. See you all next week! Have a question, complaint, or suggestion pertaining to this or next weeks poll? Message Bnus
  4. It isn't a rumor this has always been the case. ESO is developed by ZeniMax Online Studio Skyrim was developed by Bethesda Game Studios Although with ESO being released you're 100% right that there won't be a new single player ES game for quite some time. I mean Bethesda Game Studios does have Fallout 4 and they can always create a new IP which I am hoping would be a SciFi RPG in their iconic RPG Design style. I think it is time they took a break from releasing ES anyways. With that being said I will eventually get into ESO. Mainly because the world building looks so wonderful.
  5. I should warn you that we are not 343i. If you wish to contact them please headover to HaloWaypoint.com Also adding new content to Halo 2 would be extremely difficult. They had a hard enough time adding Forge to the revamped version of Halo 2A
  6. sure thing just let us know your Bungie username
  7. Ehhh can't really disagree most of that is true. Sucks because large scale battles in a Halo game would have been lovely but there is always a catch
  8. Honestly a Halo MMO would work perfectly. If it was Planetside 2 esque. No quests or raids just straight up war and shoot other players in a constant PvP environment Of course a lot of changes would need to be done to make it as Halo as possible but theoretically it could work just fine. Planetside 2 is a great MMOFPS.
  9. Welcome to the forums! Don't worry I was a newbie to forums back when I joined too, and now look at me. I'm part of staff! We are a very nice and friendly community you will be just fine. I highly encourage that you participate in some of the many events and activities constantly going on. If you ever have any questions never hesitate to ask. Have a fantastic time on the forums. Hope to see you around!
  10. MUAHAHAHAHAHA. You thought it was bad enough that I was helping with the community poll, and now for the time being I will take over the news wrapup too!!! muahahahah my plan for forum domination is nearly complete!! In other gaming "news" Doc is returning to the forum. Gearbox the creators of the Borderlands franchise annouce their exciting new IP, Some nice fatherly memories are brought back, and Bungie reveals their plans for the future of your Destiny character beyond the first game. All this in the wrapup below! Gearbox reveals their new IP: Battleborn! Rather then going the safe route and developing a Borderlands 3 for Next Gen Consoles; Gearbox is mixing things up with a brand new IP. Battleborn a mix between Competitve FPS MOBA inspired Multiplayer, and Cooperative Campaign has you playing as a cast of characters all throughout the galaxy to fight for control for the last star producing light. Not much has been revealed and you can find more information in this months issue of GameInformer or at their website below. You can view a trailer down below Source: http://battleborn.com/ Are you looking forward to this new IP? Or do you no longer trust what Gearbox can do after Aliens Colonial Marines? Son discovers fathers "ghost" in racing game This isn't so much news but rather a really heartwarming story that means a lot to me as someone who played racing games with their dad nonstop in my childhood. A fellow gamer recently booted up his original xbox only to play a racing game him and his father used to play. During the game he found his fathers time trials ghost and raced to beat it. Eventually he actually beat it but rather then crossing the finish line he allowed his fathers ghost to pass him to further keep the memory of the fun times they used to have. Source: http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/07/23/son-discovers-fathers-ghost-in-xbox-racing-game?utm_campaign=ign+main+twitter&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social Do you have any fond gaming moments with your parents? Bungie reveals that your Destiny character will carry over throughout the entire series Bungie's Destiny may be ambitious but recent revealed plans show that you will carry your Guardian with you throughout the entire course of the franchise's lifespan. Although with each new game every player will start on the same footing to give new players an equal chance to enjoy the game as much as us Veteran Guardians. This kind of dedication to keeping your character alive shows that Bungie really does care about post launch support for their game and I can't wait to see what adventures they take us on! Source: http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/07/21/destiny-will-likely-have-sequels-and-your-character-will-carry-over Are you happy about this annoucement? Will you be keeping your guardian throughout the entire series? Thank you all so much for reading this weekly news wrapup! I hope it meets your expectations I am not very good with news. EK will be returning soon to make GOOD WNW, in the meantime wish him some luck recovering with his recent incident.
  11. MUAHAHAHAHAHA. You thought it was bad enough that I was helping with the community poll, and now for the time being I will take over the news wrapup too!!! muahahahah my plan for forum domination is nearly complete!! In other gaming "news" Doc is returning to the forum. Gearbox the creators of the Borderlands franchise annouce their exciting new IP, Some nice fatherly memories are brought back, and Bungie reveals their plans for the future of your Destiny character beyond the first game. All this in the wrapup below! Gearbox reveals their new IP: Battleborn! Rather then going the safe route and developing a Borderlands 3 for Next Gen Consoles; Gearbox is mixing things up with a brand new IP. Battleborn a mix between Competitve FPS MOBA inspired Multiplayer, and Cooperative Campaign has you playing as a cast of characters all throughout the galaxy to fight for control for the last star producing light. Not much has been revealed and you can find more information in this months issue of GameInformer or at their website below. You can view a trailer down below Source: http://battleborn.com/ Are you looking forward to this new IP? Or do you no longer trust what Gearbox can do after Aliens Colonial Marines? Son discovers fathers "ghost" in racing game This isn't so much news but rather a really heartwarming story that means a lot to me as someone who played racing games with their dad nonstop in my childhood. A fellow gamer recently booted up his original xbox only to play a racing game him and his father used to play. During the game he found his fathers time trials ghost and raced to beat it. Eventually he actually beat it but rather then crossing the finish line he allowed his fathers ghost to pass him to further keep the memory of the fun times they used to have. Source: http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/07/23/son-discovers-fathers-ghost-in-xbox-racing-game?utm_campaign=ign+main+twitter&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social Do you have any fond gaming moments with your parents? Bungie reveals that your Destiny character will carry over throughout the entire series Bungie's Destiny may be ambitious but recent revealed plans show that you will carry your Guardian with you throughout the entire course of the franchise's lifespan. Although with each new game every player will start on the same footing to give new players an equal chance to enjoy the game as much as us Veteran Guardians. This kind of dedication to keeping your character alive shows that Bungie really does care about post launch support for their game and I can't wait to see what adventures they take us on! Source: http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/07/21/destiny-will-likely-have-sequels-and-your-character-will-carry-over Are you happy about this annoucement? Will you be keeping your guardian throughout the entire series? Thank you all so much for reading this weekly news wrapup! I hope it meets your expectations I am not very good with news. EK will be returning soon to make GOOD WNW, in the meantime wish him some luck recovering with his recent incident. View full article
  12. Buns

    WNW 2

    From the album: The pictures of Buns

  13. Buns


    From the album: The pictures of Buns

  14. I absolutely adore how this remake looks. The best one by far imo.
  15. We are NOT 343i so we can't do anything to make this happen. If you wish to contact 343i please head over to HaloWaypoint However I do agree with your idea. It would be neat if 343i started making double XP a permanent thing for the rest of Reach's lifespan. Giving away free stuff for Reach however is extremely difficult. That would involve giving EVERYONE on Xbox Live free stuff because 343 needs to be fair and equal.
  16. All the cutscenes are NOT in-game footage. They're pre-rendered CGI like Spartan Ops and are being done by Blur. The same studio that did the Halo Wars cutscenes.
  17. I think we should take a week break or two. I wouldn't mind hosting the next one if you and JL can give me some pointers.
  18. It really sucks to see so many members go. Have a good one Connor. You have improved a lot ever since you have joined. Hope to see you during playdates and events! Please stop by every now and then bae. Don't forget our Destiny wedding.
  19. Really going to miss you! You were a great member it really sucks this had to happen. I enjoyed our time talking Drizzy_Doge
  20. That really sucks hopefully you stop by frequently! We may not have talked much but we're all going to miss you gg Alpha and best of luck.
  21. This makes me fairly certain it is the flood or directly related. Mainly because it is on a Halo ring. It could also be an experimental weapon perhaps created by the Forerunners long ago and it was never tested? Who knows looking forward to this!
  22. With Destiny just around a corner it is time for the fellow Guardians gathered at 343iCF to band together and face The Darkness This is our official Bungie Group. This is where we will keep track of our achievements It can also be your clan if you chose to assign it as your clan. Here are the steps to join. 1. PSN or Xbox Account 2. A Bungie account(You can link or sign in using one of those two accounts above) 3. The ability to click a join button(Which requires a button clicking level of 5) It is highly recommend that you join only if you plan on buying Destiny. Mainly because the group is practically useless unless you're playing the current Bungie game(which in this case is Destiny) Also please keep in mind when you join you must wait to be accepted(This is to avoid nonforumers joining). If you do join please state your Bungie username down below so I can accept you. Best of luck out there in the field Guardians Link to group: http://343i.org/25t Group Update Log
  23. We are not 343i so we cannot help you with any of this. Please go to HaloWaypoint to contact support.
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