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Everything posted by Buns

  1. Now you have me interested. I assume it is on the US Netflix. Is it still an ongoing series?
  2. Sounds like something that can be done in custom game settings if Halo 5 gives us robust enough customization options. Not to mention you can already do this with an honor rules system.
  3. I think everyone should stop voting that way both Yoshi/DarkAngel die. Anyone changes their votes from here on out are Mafians. There that should keep Yoshi from doing his annoying switcharoo
  4. To a point it is, but it is the only good FPSMMO out there. My issue with it is the floaty gunplay and the 1000 players. Sounds good on paper but doesn't always work
  5. Crysis has always been this series with cool ideas but never the best execution of those cool ideas. Not to mention the ending cutscene for 3 was so bad. It felt rush and not even of any significance like "lol game is over k bye" I don't know how to feel about Crysis. The story always felt all over the place and the game felt like it was trying to be too many things at once. Not to mention it was awful on consoles because of *shutters* 30FPS........... Although with all of Crytek's recent financial troubles(Even their lead graphics engineer left to work on DOOM) I can't say what we will see out of them. Crysis 3 didn't sell as well as they hoped and Homefront 2 isn't getting enough pre-orders, but I am fairly positive a Crysis 4 is in the works. It is their child. Plus it is their best selling game franchise(They really need to do something different this time though because Crysis 2 was a drag to play and it was the reason I didn't buy 3)
  6. Welcome to the 39th 343i Weekly Community Poll! Last week I asked all of you if you wanted 343i to focus on fun additions or crafting a perfect arena experience for Halo 5. Here are the results of the poll: This week we can discuss one of the very unique aspect of Halo that has been an additional feature in later Halo games. Sometimes we like destroying scrubs in matchmaking, and other times we enjoy obliterating grunts in Firefight. Should Firefight or Spartan Ops return? Or a new PvE(Player Vs Environment) mode entirely? Or maybe you think 343i should just remove it entirely? Please leave your thoughts and vote down below! Deadline: 7/27/2014 @ 9pm EST Thank you so much for participating in this weeks poll. See you all next week! Have a question, complaint, or suggestion pertaining to this or next weeks poll? Message Bnus
  7. Planetside 2 A Halo MMO would actually work really well if it is done in the style of Planetside 2 with less freedom(to be lore friendly) Also I enjoyed ES: Online and SWTOR. I thought both were decent at what they did. Opinions are awesome~
  8. Welcome to the forums and enjoy your stay!
  9. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ heheheheheheheheh Very well written review Self Destruct! Although now I have to shoot you with my two assault rifles for giving it a score :haha:
  10. Yes you're right on that one. My nearsightedness completely overlooked this.
  11. TGFW is not being hosted at this time or day so you may resume your event
  12. No need to be rude he is just asking a question Not to mention TGFW is the reason Sparkys/Spartans event got moved back and now your event much like your previous one(although thank you for doing a good job of not overlapping) is so close to their event that it is just kind of silly. Hopefully you're not late though and everything goes smoothly I might make it but this is awfully early for me so it all just depends.
  13. Woaw welcome back old member! You may not know me but I joined back last year and I now run the 343iCF Youtube channel. You have a LOT to catch up on allow me to help you! Plus all these links should entertain you while you make your return. Here is the Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube....r/343iCommunity Here is our new SteamGroup: http://steamcommunit...m/groups/343iCF Here is the return of our Freerice group. Join to help us fight world hunger! http://343i.org/24q The new big event going on this summer is TGFW read about at these two links. Annoucement: http://343i.org/24v Starting Link: http://343i.org/24u We also have the weekly community poll which you should check out: http://343i.org/24o Do you like balls? I don't! Submit your own ball drawing: http://343i.org/24l We also have a great and well done Weekly News Wrapup you can give it a read: http://343i.org/24s Need a new signature? Here is the latest signature shop: http://343i.org/24r July Caption Contest! http://www.343indust...st/#entry326962 The community podcast has also returned: http://343i.org/24t Hope you have a great time returning to the forum!
  14. We are NOT 343i. We are just a fansite. If you want to contact 343i about the hacker issue then please report it over at HaloWaypoint: https://forums.halowaypoint.com/
  15. Woaw welcome back old member! You may not know me but I joined back last year and I now run the 343iCF Youtube channel. You have a LOT to catch up on allow me to help you! Plus all these links should entertain you while you make your return. Here is the Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/343iCommunity Here is our new SteamGroup: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/343iCF Here is the return of our Freerice group. Join to help us fight world hunger! http://343i.org/24q The new big event going on this summer is TGFW read about at these two links. Annoucement: http://343i.org/24v Starting Link: http://343i.org/24u We also have the weekly community poll which you should check out: http://343i.org/24o Do you like balls? I don't! Submit your own ball drawing: http://343i.org/24l We also have a great and well done Weekly News Wrapup you can give it a read: http://343i.org/24s Need a new signature? Here is the latest signature shop: http://343i.org/24r July Caption Contest! http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/36604-july-caption-contest/?do=findComment&comment=326962 The community podcast has also returned: http://343i.org/24t Hope you have a great time returning to the forum!
  16. I knew you would make a comment like that. Well do you see Ghosts in MLG? Did we see a Mongoose in the Halo 4 Championship? In Reach MLGv7 settings are people using Falcons on Sanctuary? Of course all of these are vehicle examples but fun additions to the Halo sandbox aren't exactly meant for an Arena Shooter. If that doesn't help you realize my point then... GunGoose =/= Arena Gameplay Anyways please leave the thread for voting only andddd
  17. Thank you everyone for the awesome submissions! I will get around to uploading in due time~
  18. I would argue that it failed because he revealed his true role.
  19. Or you could buy TF2 Hats for Charity
  20. Exactly. Not to mention now Axilius has to go through all of these comments just to properly know who is voting for who. It is a lot of work on his part.
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