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Everything posted by Buns

  1. I am sorry to inform you that we are not actually 343i. We are merely a fansite You can contact 343i directly here: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us Although I do not believe 343i will provide you with a download of the game. I have never heard of them doing so in the past, and I think you might have to end up returning the disc because it is scratched. I'll do my best to help anyways. Here are some things you can try. Clean the disc(if you don't know how just google search) and then try to see if it works then. If not then clean the disc again and try to install the game into your harddrive(when the game prompt appears just click the "Y" button for details and click "Install to harddrive" Also what error message are you getting when you try to play Halo 4? Are you using Disc 1 and not Disc 2? Have you installed all the contents for Disc 2 yet?
  2. Wow 2 confirmed Mafia on this list? If I could vote I would. Good luck Pro-Town. Honestly killing JL was such a bad move on the Mafia's part because now we know he is a confirmed Civilian and now we can trust him completely.
  3. We aren't the official 343i you need to head over to HaloWaypoint for that but we can still do our best to help you. Please take the time to answer these questions so I can better understand your situation. Do you have an internet connection on your Xbox 360? Have you updated Halo 4? Can you please clarify "I can't play Halo 4 online". Do you mean you disconnect from Xbox Live when playing Halo 4 or you can't play War Games? What error message does it give you when you try to play online? Have you gone into start then scroll down and made sure your xbox connection is set to "Xbox Live" ?
  4. I have one aesthetic map on foundry that is actually really cool.
  5. I voted No because I am going to have a marathon of me playing all the games legendary solo. Which I probably won't beat or complete at all. WOOHOO!!
  6. Thats great but please next time you color code that and center it in the middle of your post so it is less work on my part into putting in the calender.
  7. Here is the latest one: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/36616-tgfw-gdr-operation-return-to-sender/?do=findComment&comment=327073
  8. I've always been extremely curious in the software and the demo you showed is quite nice. Does Anime Studio produce quality results? Would you recommend the software to others looking to get a start in animation?
  9. I thought there were 4 Mafians left since we killed one? Did the game start with 5 Mafians orrrrr?
  10. You must sign up at the event post not here.
  11. Woohoo!! great job everyone! You had me fooled Ledgend but I didn't say a thing because you were acting a lot like how you acted in Mafia 2.0 Well thats one Mafia down and Frank is next. Do you mind making him a suspect again Prime
  12. you dont actually share you just share screens. You cant actually hack someone via skype and you can adjust the screensize to only show certain portions but thats fine if you dont want too.
  13. Talk to anyone who suspects you're mafia not me. You both show each others screens to prove one of each others innocent. I dont know why people think I am going to conduct this test for them I merely offered this as a solution to proving your innocent since live video cannot be manipulated
  14. Sharing your screen on skype doesnt require a webcam. But if you have personal information that could be on your browser screen then thats fine I was merely suggesting an alternate way that is fool proof
  15. Fixed it for you a bit
  16. Sadly we are not the real 343i and you would have to head over to HaloWaypoint.com to contact them. From my knowledge the only thing you can do is sit and wait the ban out. The credit ban system is quite flawed and 343i has no plans of updating Bungies. Best of luck to you in everything though!
  17. if you guys really want to prove innocent why not have a skype video call? Everyone here I know has a skype minus Delpen and SD and Frank since I dont have them added. You can't fake live video and if the person declines without a good reason(and the mod is the only person who would have a good reason to decline) then they are obviously Mafian.
  18. That is actually very rude of that guy. I correct the calender Nut
  19. Halo 2 Vista(The PC Version) still has working severs. Halo 2(on the original Xbox) does not, but there is something called XBConnect which people use to still play Halo 2. I don't know anything about and everyone here who plays Halo 2 are most likely on Halo 2 Vista. You're going to have to do a google search for it. Best of luck.
  20. Twinreaper earlier in the game already confirmed that Frank was mafia(since he was detective and investigated him)
  21. Do not question any further Mafian scum.
  22. They do. Haven't you played Halo? I mean they made their own game and everything!
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