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Everything posted by Buns

  1. I highly doubt Connor Kenway is Mafian because then we would have another leak already. Yoshi and Legend should be the biggest targets. Ledgend can be a very quiet Mafian like he was in 2.0 and Yoshi seems to be questioning your decision JL. Perhaps they are both Mafian?
  2. This is a great idea and I support this completely! Feel free to make up your own rank. Get crazy with it too.
  3. So this July 9th at 9pm EST right? If so I'll be coming GT- Warm Bnus
  4. Well it is obvious one of the mafians ordered the hit they work together and decide who to kill. So now that the detective has confirmed Frank being a Mafian that just leads to 4 more suspects. One no doubt being Delpenguin
  5. Then why didn't you say anything?
  6. I actually have to agree with all these points to be honest. I would love to be able to be aboard the UNSC Infinity and explore it at will and walk into a bathroom only to find a flushable toilet. That is my dream for Halo 5 10/10 IGN
  7. I'll do my best to attend(I should be able too the time is good) Also added to calender
  8. Its awesome that you're hosting this and I want to add it to the calender but I need some more clearly stated information about the dates.
  9. It was great serving as a fellow Mafian for once Delpenguin. It sucks it didn't last.
  10. Due to upcoming events I won't have the time to dedicate to Mafia anymore. I ask them Axilius Prime write me a proper suicide scene with the next post and that he reveal my true role to everyone.
  11. Im not going to lie a RWBY Video Game is a totally great idea. I don't think the series is amazing or groundbreaking, but the weapon and enemy designs are like just the perfect fit for video games. I hope it goes well and I hope they take the time to properly develop it. I assume it will release on PC since at the current moment the engine the game is using is unknown but I feel like its a Unity game. It looks so Unity.
  12. And you're making clues that are nonexistent. Delpen9 is mafia.
  13. Delpen9 is mafia. End of story
  14. That has happened like what? Several times already. Onsokurmaru got mom before he even made 100 posts and he recently became legendary and he is only at 130 posts or lower. Not to mention he was till fairly new when he got mom same with me. I got MoM after only a month and a half. Silly Elite. There have been other cases of a new member getting MoM so yes to answer your question it has already happened. Multiple times.
  15. Its pretty obvious Delpen9 was a mafian. I know we dont have 100% confirmation but based on his actions and how close he is to Twin he must have known something. He is acting a lot like me when I was mafia last two games. It seems like he is trying to convince us to vote for someone much the same way I tried. With nonsensical evidence.
  16. Delpen is the one who kept wanting to vote for Twin!! Why is JL the only person suspecting Delpen? I wanted to vote for HuskyY for revenge and what he did to me in Mafia 3.0 where he changed his vote last minute and got me killed. Mafia list Delpen9 Delpen9 Delpen9 Delpen9 Delpen9 Delpen9 is mafia. So with the medic and detective down and out we're basically screwed aren't we? gg Mafians
  17. Don't try to judge your voice so quickly you never know what role an indie game needs! And you're welcome I knew people might find some interest in it. I hope some people find this helpful/motivational.
  18. Just vote for one of the suspects and prove to us why you are innocent
  19. ​So let me get started and say today I went to Florida SuperCon and attended a panel where the voice actor most known for her role Tiny Tina in Borderlands was doing a Q&A and someone asked her for Voice Actor advice and I thought I would share it here with all of you aspiring voice actors. The following are the questions and the best I can remember them and their answers. It has been a few hours hopefully I remember most of it! The questions are in this color Ashlys Answers are this color What advice can you give for people who want to start Voice Acting? Start by imitating. Do your best to imitate voices you like on TV/Games/People/etc and after a while build your own voices based on multiple imitations and create something unique. Another piece of advice I got from another voice actor is whenever you're playing Text Based Games with nobody speaking. Read the text and make your own voices for each character. How do I get started in the voice acting industry? Make a demo reel/portfolio of your voices. Just slap something quick in Audacity(a free opensource audio recording program) and you can even look offer your voicework for free. Try looking for indie developers who are in need of voice actors for their game or college animation students who need voices for their game and do free work for them! Please remember that these are not the exact words from Ashly herself these are just what I remember from what she said and I did my best to rewrite it for all of you. This is some pretty great advice and you should totally share this with any of your friends who are aspiring voice actors.
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