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Everything posted by Buns

  1. Think whatever you want. Actually since Twin is a new guy. Change my vote back to HuskyY
  2. Is voting almost over? If so I change my vote to Twin. Way to fall for my plan 3 times Delpen. I think I can make it to 9 by this rate
  3. Well me and Delpen proved to him you were innocent. To return the favor you should vote for the real murdered HuskyY
  4. and 1 vote Self Destruct(JL) and 1 vote for SiberianHuskyY(by me)
  5. SiberianHuskyY is mafia. I vote SiberianHuskyY. He must burn for his actions.
  6. Not to mention I commented on Prime's status saying if I don't want mafia + if I got a 3rd time in a row I would quit lol. Being a good Mafian takes some work and time which I cannot offer atm due to TGFW. But that doesn't mean I don't have another role SiberianHuskyY is mafia.
  7. The OP did an excellent job of convincing anyone not familiar with the Halo lore that he is right but in fact the OP is just poorly uninformed. Of course that isn't his fault and he isn't trolling so all is well. I am too tired to type a proper reply that will do you justice but if Azaxx's response doesn't satisfy you then I will give it a go.
  8. Buns

    New To 343

    Welcome to the forums! If you have any questions please ask! We also have loads of great discussion happening so feel free to start any or contribute!
  9. And I can do it again Remember I could also do it for other people too..... in the exchange for....information.
  10. A lot of the stuff you request would be difficult to impliment because Halo Wars is a ConsoleRTS which greatly restricts ithe compliexity of the game and controls Also for your point at 15. All good RTS games have a unit cap. Including Starcraft 2 the most popular RTS currently around. Unit caps are in place for balancing reasons and while the easy solution is to just greatly increase the unit cap with the power of X1(since it will no doubt be possible to greatly increase the cap) Nice points though I would love to see space battles and more factions/units make an appearance.
  11. Do you plan on getting a Wii U?
  12. D_D and Coolie are supposed to be making the next polls for the rest of summer(I might also help too) since BZ1 will be too busy. Noble Six will win because he has Noble team on his side unless it is after they're all dead...................
  13. *Makes loud Pyro grunting noises* In honor of such a cool guy you were Mothman. I am changing my icon to Pyro for the rest of July. Its going to suck seeing you go hopefully you decide to stop by again in the future and join one of our future(hopefully) PC events. Theres a spy sappin my members!!! gg have a great life and best of luck to all of your future endeavors.
  14. Caboose, JL, and Twin are all BOT Racist. Let this be known to everyone.
  15. kk den perfect time for mii. Thanks for the clarification P34nut
  16. OMGWTFBBQ??? WHY AM I NOT IN I H8 U ALL congrats to everyone it is well deserved among you all~
  17. What time is this EST because this converter is confusing me greatly ;-;
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