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Everything posted by Buns

  1. Welcome to the forums and we hope you enjoy your time here! Be sure to check out our forge section and calender! We can even help you test your map someday!
  2. Much Vague. No Details. Very Content Nice article P34nut hopefully something good comes out of this
  3. These are all great ideas wow everyone seems really invested in this and that is awesome! I personally would love to see a weapon specific assassination for each weapon. Of course this would take up a ton of resources on 343i's part and probably won't happen but it would still be entertaining.
  4. Since I have played all the Halo multiplayers I might be going with Halo CE and 2. Maybe some 3 in there, but since we on the forum have been playing so much Halo 4 lately I might be burned out by then. You can count on it. Plus if TGFW goes good this time around then expect the next one to be on Halo MCC~
  5. This is why the Offbeat Syndicate needs your help! To overthrow these corrupt politicians that are ruled by the GDR! Although we do have a kommandant on the inside
  6. Same here. I feel like he is going to be that middleground of "Hey I'm human and I support the UNSC but I am seriously questioning your motives and I am going to do something about it in a way that doesn't harm humanity"
  7. Congratulations on 2 years EK! Its nice to see you dedicated for so long and you have changed quite a lot since i have joined(in a good way) You still better be active for my 2 year anniversary TIME TO CELEBRATE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onzL0EM1pKY
  8. In order to do that you need the amount of control options a PC can give you. It wasn't the power of the X1 that is the issue its the lack of Keyboard and Mouse. Halo Wars is a fanastical console RTS and still the best one out there for not only the amount of content it had but the simple control scheme it came with. Plus please elaborate on "more customization and a more cinematic" experience. Most RTS games don't have customization to begin with. You pick a faction you have access to a unit pool and tech tree and thats usually it.
  9. We are NOT 343i but I would assume changing the animations would be too difficult for something so minor so you're in luck.
  10. While I want to say you should have waited your turn since multiple people(including me) have been wanting to host a Mafia game. Also please dub this Mafia 4,0 to avoid confusion and we have an actual track record. Put me down on any number please
  11. I am under the assumption both are very similar since they are fairly close on their part of the Earth.
  12. Nope only attend the matches you can go too. the 3rd, 6th, 9th, etc matches will be more Asian timezone friendly so hopefully that goes in your favor.
  13. Also we should note the awards are still being worked on Mercs will also be announced soon please be patient.
  14. I approve of this Butch Flowers on OS for The Director on GDR
  15. If no one does switch then we will put you on the OS regardless to help balance that.
  16. Good and engaging gameplay is a big+ for me that would motivate me enough but also a decent amount of content and options works too. I tend to favor more the mechanics sides of games because if it feels good to play then I will no doubt be engaged for quite some time; a good load of content also helps with that because not only will the game be fun to play but I will have things to do. Super Smash Bros Brawl is one game that does this very well imo. Games like Mario kart have good gameplay but not enough content.
  17. I've been very busy with school work but so far Biggles confirmed his spot. Don't worry you will get them soon We making a Late Sign Up thread later. You can still sign up don't fuss!
  18. PC will always be the superior version but I do like how simple it is to host a server in the Console versions. Nice article N3wsnut
  19. I really do hope everything turns out ok in the end this sucks for everyone involved. It makes me wonder how such a successful studio in not only games but Engines could end up getting this kind of financial problems
  20. Well if you were playing on Legendary this kind of Uber AI happens. It isn't bad. It's challenging. I've beaten Halo 4 solo legendary and almost done beating Spartan Ops solo legendary. The game can be hard but not overly difficult. If you were in the AI Line of site when you went invisible then that is your problem. You not only have to be a good distance away but also make sure you have no open sight lines on them and visa versa.
  21. OH NOSE there has been an accidental nuclear leak in your city
  22. Thanks for the round up SD plenty of awesome info.
  23. We are not 343i so we can't fully answer this question. From our knowledge the skill ranking system will be similar to Halo 2 and most games might keep each of their own ranking. Then again we do not 100% know yet.
  24. Active Camo will most likely be a pickup Yes hijacking as always been a thing but Spartan Abilities are universal to ALL spartans like hijacking. It is something all Spartans can do.
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