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Everything posted by Buns

  1. We tried making a timezone that accommodates Asia + Australia but it just wasn't possible. Our biggest forum population is EST + GMT si we have to set priority and accommodate for those. If you and JL can just tell me what times you are able to come and we will try to figure something out.
  2. Welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay! You're going to love it here.
  3. From a lore standpoint it all makes sense since most human weapons have FMJ-AP rounds, but you're right they need some beefin up and they need some better driving mechanics. The Warthog and Mongoose were not only relatively weak but also not very fun or engaging to drive.
  4. It really sucks to see you leave. I think it should be made clear here that Onsokumaru is the reason The Great Forum War even exists. His Reach underground event gave me the idea for a sort of big Faction event. Onsokumaru is the Grand Sensei of community events. His attitude and positiveness is the reason why we're so active with events now. Good luck on life gg m8
  5. The time have already been set from anytime between 2pm EST all the way up to 6pm EST. Each event will vary to accommodate for different timezones at a time. This was the best possible timezone we agreed on.
  6. Why do you support the losing faction?
  7. I only glanced at this but Frank O Connor already said AA's have been removed entirely.
  8. What faction do you think will win The Great Forum War? (The factions are General Discussion Republic and Offbeat Syndicate)
  9. We are not 343i. We are a community forum. if you wish to contact 343i please head over to HaloWaypoint.
  10. Sarah robbed the bank. Sarah Robber Sarah is a tree. Sarah Palm-tree Sarah takes a relaxing bath. Sarah Calmer.
  11. If you could design your own Halo game what would it be about?
  12. We will do our best to make it friendly for Britain times yes.(Most events will be hosted afternoon in America, and night in Britain) The current time we're aiming for is 3pm - 6pm EST so expect a time around there, and they're going to be Saturday nights your time so hopefully it doesn't conflict much The Faction Draft thread isn't ready yet sadly.
  13. The issue is that the Halo 2 2003 E3 Demo only has a very short amount of playtime + it runs on a DIFFERENT Engine then Halo 2. That means just more work then needed for one super short level that was left unfinished. I got my answer from the IGN Interview with 343i
  14. Halo MC Collection Destiny Mario Maker Super Smash Bros U Far Cry 4 No Mans Sky Some ABZUU Sony game Inside Some XBL Indie platformer Rainbow Six Siege New Zelda Wii U game Project Spark Galaxy DLC New Mirrors Edge New Battlefront That is all I can name off the top of my head. Most likely some more in there though.
  15. Regardless of the peoples foolish beliefs the Offbeat Syndicate will not fail!
  16. I thought I already signed up but hey! Sign me up!
  17. Welcome to the forum and I hope you enjoy your stay! It is awesome to always have new members Also while you're here why not check out our latest community event? http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/35420-the-great-forum-war-has-begun/?do=findComment&comment=321797
  18. The Faction Draft(or sign up thread) will be up soon. When you sign up with that you will be given a faction. Afterwards each date will have their own sign up thread like any normal event. This is because each TGFW event will be hosted at different times and such.
  19. This wonderful banner was created by Self Destruct give him so thanks! What is The Great Forum War? It is an ongoing community event that will last all summer long twice a month where two factions will fight against one another in order to determine the outcome of the war. If you wish to know even MORE about the event read below and all your questions will be answered in full 1080p detail! The Sign Up thread is located here: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/35884-tgfw-faction-sign-up-thread -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Factions: General Discussion Republic - A peace-loving yet militaristic empire that uses Forerunner technology to crush all insurrectionists opposition and reclaim all human colonies in the name of Earth as well as benefit the lives of all who live in their Republic. Offbeat Syndicate - Power for the people! They just want their planets and star systems left alone and will fight for their freedom at whatever cost. They are the strongest insurrectionists group and offer an immense challenge for the GDR. They plan on using the Forerunner technology to aid them in their war effort and help improve the lives of poor colonies. Each faction is controlled by 4 commanders which influence things such as what to spend their hard earned faction points on, the propaganda, and other small faction things. You will know the truth of the 8 commanders in the coming days. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- General Q&A The general Q&A will help explain some details and common questions about TGFW ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technical Q&A Do you want to know how TGFW works? Then this is for you! This event truly needs your cooperation to make it happen. I hope you all enjoy it, and thank you to all the lovely commanders who helped me finetune the concept into something digestible I hope this answers any and all questions you may have! I know it was a lengthy post but I didn't want to skip out on any details for you all! If you have any questions just leave them down below~
  20. Yes it will be the EXACT same Xbox 360 game with 1080p at 60 FPS.
  21. The Master Chief Collection will include Halo: CEA AND The ORIGINAL Halo CE multiplayer(probably with HD graphics) that means 3 shot pistol 60 round AR everything. But in Halo CEA in the campaign you can switch between old/new graphics(same with Halo 2A) it is unknown if the multiplayer will let you do that but most likely not.
  22. Let me qwell all your speculation. 1. All games will have their own multiplayer aspect. In Matchmaking when you select a map to vote on there will be an icon in the corner of the map image showing what game it belongs too and when you select that map it will launch that game and its multiplayer for everyone to play. 2. This is unknown at the moment but Halo 2 maps will support forge so maybe they are all sandbox maps! 3. They said they will fully support MCC even after Halo 5 releases. They plan on keeping it well updated with rotational playlists I assume. 4. All games run on their own individual engine. All engines will be on the disc and each will launch separately when you play that game. From what Frank O Conner said all glitches will still work just fine except for SOME Super Jumps. Why? Well since everything is being rerendered with new models some pixels will be moved which will alter some of the super hard/super specific jumps. 5. They never said much about the actual ranks but Frankie did say if you liked Halo 2s ranking system you would like MCC's ranking system. 6. Halo 3 and 4 will look the same. Halo CE is the same as Halo CEA and Halo 2 is getting a brand new revamp. 7. I highly doubt it will be 100G that is like near impossible no. Halo 3 is 6 gigs along and Halo 4 is another 11 I believe. You're looking at around 25 gigs or even less of content. Plus I may be wrong but can't you turn off that feature in console settings? 8. That Halo CEA lag you're talking about is like unheard of. Sure the respone time may not be instant because of the older tech that problem is like unheard of. Halo 2A plays exactly like Halo 2 at 60 FPS I got all my info from the IGN interview with Frank O Conner and lead director of MCC + The MS Conference + Twitter. Hopefully this answers everything
  23. I am more excited for the beta because we already have the chance to play Halo 2 multiplayer. I already poured hours into Halo 2 and Halo 2 V and I just want to see what fresh new ideas 343i has for us next. I also want to help make Halo 5 Guardians the best Halo game ever. I have full trust in 343i and they're doing a great thing from asking for our feedback.
  24. Why do you want Halo 2A? Why not a GOOD PC port of all the PC games with proper modding tools and proper dedication to PC frankly the whole message of your petition isn't going to get 343i's attention. Your friends petition doesn't seem convincing at all
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