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Everything posted by Buns

  1. The Flood? It was reposted like last page.
  3. Awesome give me a few to write a decent riddle. I fear as if this might be too easy, but my first time writing a riddle so oh well. Once great Now fallen You are merely a product of our thinking We planted the seeds of your success We planted the seeds of your destruction
  4. Flood controlled Precursor Star-Roads that nearly destroyed all of Forerunner civilization?
  5. Master Chief destroying the composer? Also really well written riddle. This one I like and I hope it isn't as nitpicky/specific as the last one(Which you said was easy)
  6. Halo Escalation takes place in 2557 or 2558 Halo Thursday War or more importantly the last one Mortal Dictata takes place in 2553. A lot can happen in that time span. I mean just finish the trilogy and all will make sense. You're confusing yourself by asking questions now. If you already read the trilogy then all will already make sense, but the 4 year gap between these stories is quite important.
  7. I like the world you have set up but there are a couple of problems that really bug me. First off is the narrator. Who is he? What perspective is he/she telling the story? Whyare they telling us this? I can assume that the narrator already knows all the events that are about to unfold. Also what makes this fireteam so important? Their name seems so out of place with everything already set up. Also you introduced a LOT of information so quickly. This can easily confuse the reader and you dumped it all so quickly. Also a lot of the alien names sound/look very similar which can also confuse people. Please know that I really enjoyed the read and your writing is good I just want to provide detail constructive criticism to help you improve. I am looking forward to the rest please let us know when you get around to it(seriously though good job you hooked me on very early which is probably the most important factor while reading. You want the reader to be hooked and continue. I was actually disappointed when it ended so quickly)
  8. Exactly!! Good point!! Even bread would be a more trust worthy president then pirate filth! That is why you must vote for Maestro. Understanding ruler. Handsome Spartan, and prophet of shrek!
  9. The Flood assassinations are so brutal and creative and show that 343i really cared about adding those small details in Halo 4.
  10. Yoshi1176 keeps attacking Caboose, an innocent voter. Yoshi1176 also dislikes equality. Maestro did not attack Caboose. Maestro loves members. Maestro loves equality. VOTE MAESTRO TODAY
  11. Hmmmm I might actually be able to make this one. Looking forward to it Mr.Nutz
  12. Pirating can't be stopped and if you attempt to stop or limit pirating you will also hurt other services of the internet that require peer to peer connections as well. A lot of people pirate just to see if the game is worth buying and will buy the game if they like it. And only 100,000 pirates for a game that popular? pshhh I bet ten times more people actually bought the game. I played it and they directed the player just fine. If you want bad player direction try classic FPS games that have that maze like level design. This new game didn't even keep the maze like structure of classic FPS games and went for a more linear approach which is dead easy to follow. It could be you were so disinterested that even the level design bothered you(which is fine you are allowed to hate anything you want about the game it is your opinion)
  13. Wait I want to use WOLOLOLOL as wel!! I demand a recount WOLOLOLOL WOLOLOLOL WOLOL™ is now a copyrighted trademark of Bnus Entertainment, Shreks Swamp, Caboose Industries limited and JX incorporated © All rights Reserved.
  14. I actually really liked BF4 since launch even with the bugs. More fun then BF3 imo. The Cops n Robber themes seems extremely interesting and I can't wait to see gameplay.
  15. Well that comment just caught me by surprise. Like diarrhea
  16. I enjoy how short it is because it makes for a easy read/easy to stay updated I also like the little quirks such as <RU.Lang> <EN.Lang> and such. They help with the world building of the story. Hope to see this continue HG!
  17. A VOTE FOR MAESTRO IS A VOTE FOR GREATNESS Its for USF - United States Of The Forum
  18. No it is a spinoff like Battlefield Bad Company
  19. Why am I not jury? huh? HUH? I demand a recount!
  20. This video does a very good job of explaining the whole leak. Also since these files were found on Battlelog it is quite obvious this is real. But will this be the NEXT Battlefield game? hmmm maybe. There have been rumors of another studio making the next BF game for years now so I wouldn't be surprised.
  21. Im glad everyone is talking about Dirrhea
  22. I already said Menedicant Bias so we know thats not it. Menedicant Bias helping Cortana return?
  23. Welcome fellow friends of the forum for the 2nd ever HaloTubers interview! This time with another member of our forum, Zandril(Previous MoM as well!) Now read on and enjoy! Zandril is an active user of Halo forums and previous MoM of our own site! He has created numerous forge maps some of which have been played in our very own playdates. He also created a Forge Map icon pack used by Forgers all over the Halowebs! On his Youtube channel he does Forge tutorials, Map showcases, and gamenight highlights! Please check Zan out with the links below and read the interview when you can Zandrils Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/SirZandril/ Zandrils Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZannyVids Forum Profile: http://www.343industries.org/forum/user/71206-zandril/ Questions/info are in yellow Answers in white 1. In your opinion what Halo game has the biggest replay value and why? I'll have to say Halo Reach. Unlike most people, I was able to tolerate bloom, armor lock, and all the other shenanigans. I didn't particularly like them, but I was able to tolerate them. Additionally, Halo Reach had custom games. There was just so much you could do when you run out of things in Matchmaking or when you've finished the campaign. You can play minigames, infection, competitive, race, etc. I know Halo 4 has most of these things but Reach has two more things that makes it trump Halo 4 in my opinion. That would be the campaign and Firefight. Firstly, I absolutely love Firefight. I even made my own custom Firefight gametypes. I think Firefight is way more enjoyable than H4's Spartan Ops and I have so much more great memories playing Reach's FF than H4's SO. Lastly, the campaign. Even after finishing Reach's campaign, I still replayed a lot of the missions because they were so fun. Not to mention Reach was the first Halo I beat on Legendary. I absolutely love Reach's storyline about Noble team. In my opinion, Halo Reach had the best campaign. 2. If you could add or remove any feature in the upcoming Halo game what would it be? I would choose to remove Infinity settings (if they include it in the next Halo game, that is). I think Infinity settings played a very big role in the huge drop of Halo's community. The classic, competitive Halo experience was gone and was replaced with a gametype full of randomness, rage-inducing moments, and everything that's not supposed to be on Halo. Personal ordnance and personal loadouts don't belong in Halo. I think it's the fact that you can spawn with a mini shotgun in your pocket and get a dubstep cannon after a couple assists is what made a lot of people leave this game. It just wasn't "Halo" anymore. 3. What advice do you have for anyone to start their own Youtube channel? Well I would suggest that they should exert effort in the videos they make. If you half-*** as a video, people will usually notice and that's never good. If you want to earn subscribers, you need to show that you deserve them. I started my channel in the bad days of Halo when everyone left already so my channel's growth has been rather slow. 4. What do you love about the Halo community? Something I've always admired about the Halo community is how people band together to fight for a cause. I've seen countless petitions fighting for various causes. Whether it be the servers of an old Halo game being shut down or fighting for better settings in Halo 5 competitive gameplay, the Halo community is prepared to band together to fight for the game they love. 5. If a grunt was a rapper what would his rap name be? Lil' Bomber 6. What game are you most looking forward too? Halo 2 Anniversary. Don't get me wrong, I'm exited for Destiny and Halo 5. But I just have so many great memories playing Halo 2 that just the speculation of H2A made me poopoo all over the place. I absolutely loved Halo 2 as a kid and I hope the rumor turns out to be true. 7. What other games do you enjoy playing? I enjoy playing mostly shooters. When I'm not playing Halo, I'm either playing Hitman, Dead Space, Gears of War, Crysis, CoD (the older ones), etc. I used to play Minecraft a lot before. I have a really awesome world that I'm debating on showing in my YT channel. I also play Dungeon Defenders quite a lot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxnG75FHMlo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZBG_WmxpTs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSrNfMU0Wdw If you missed the last interview with Halo Updates aka Brett you can read it here: http://343i.org/1y4 If you have a HaloTuber you would like interviewed then please PM me and I will do my best to get into contact with them Thank you so much for reading and please check out the videos above. Until next (Interview) forumians!
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