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Everything posted by Buns

  1. I think he means a breif idea of what it is like: "this is a forge map showcase, or this is a machinima." As long as you let the viewer know beforehand what they're watching it is fine.
  2. I hate to break it to you Mayh3m but you RedStarSyndrome This results from being in close promixity with a RSR for long periods of time. Symptoms include: severe nose bleeding, chronic potty time, and intense desires for syrup Solution: Ask Azaxx for his holy blessing
  3. Ancient Promethean class Warrior Servants being composed?
  4. I was actually going to write you a PM about this because I was confused about the offsite link policy! This is very helpful thanks RSR
  5. I believe I searched up something with Halo theories or THFE linked me. I forget which
  6. EK already tried one and it failed. I hate to tell you this but since we're mostly a Xbox forum playdates on other systems r very hard. If anything just add everyone on the forum who has a PS4 & PSN and just play with them for fun. You don't need a playdate for everything.
  7. I just typed up a super lengthy reply discussing and dissecting all your clues but it got deleted and now I am sad bread. I give up I am not going to rewrite it all I am actually extremely curious to know the answer, but hey i'll answer again! The surviving Forerunners?
  8. The encyclopedia was last updated back in Halo Reach. That was 4 years ago, in the Halo Universe very few people know Master Chief survived and the public still thinks he is missing. Not even Dr.Halsey knew he was alive when she was onboard the Infinity. Not even the Arbiter knows he is alive, and chances are not even Spartan Blue Team knows their leader is back in action. It isn't that hes missing a second time its as simple as the PUBLIC(This referring to people within the Halo universe) does not know the truth about what happened to Master Chief after the events at The Ark. They think he heroically sacrificed himself to save humanity and is now missing forever. ALTHOUGH. I may be wrong on that one. Please understand the Halo Encyclopedia has NOT BEEN UPDATED to include content from Halo 4. So it could simply be that.
  9. I kind of agree just for the fact I liked Halo being called Halo *number* subtitles make me think it is a spinoff But in this case like people above me have said a game makes a game not the name now Halo is in the fame and has a name for a game.(Lil chief mad raps)
  10. I hate to tell you this but I admit
  11. The Composed Humans now fighting as Prometheans?
  12. Before Invasion Of The Mods starts(which you can sign up here if you haven't already: ttp://343i.org/1xg ) I will randomly select one loadout from here and use it during the playdate! Also I do read everyones post. Thanks for all the suggestions and feedback!
  13. I was actually taking a nap when this happened sorry Marine :c You have to make sure you advertise your playdate or else a lot of people forget
  14. You never said yes/no for Cortana Also is it The Lifeshaper?
  15. I get featured not once but THRICE? in this WSW? Yes this has to be the best one yet!
  16. Thats sound advice although I think a bachelors degree would be fine for this position since it relies on more social/business/critical thinking skills.
  17. We are NOT 343i. If you really want to talk to 343i then please head over to HaloWaypoint. We are just a community forum and are not associated with 343industries in anyway. As for being community manager at this point in time that dream is very slim. You're going to need to graduate college first(I reccomend taking some classes in new media or media/social in geenral). Next this isn't really school advice but you need to be a nice entertaining guy. Bravo and BSangel are just that. I suggest actually applying for 343i first as a developer, artist, anything they need(that fits what you're studying in college of course) The reason why i say being a community manager right now is very slim is because 343i already has community managers. Not only that but to actually be a community manager you have to be trusted and that is something you gain overtime from working at 343i. You also need a good job record whenever you do apply to 343i. Seeing as they are a Microsoft studio it is harder to apply and get accepted. I would also recommend having a large presence within the Halo community that way it shows that you love the Halo community and people know/respect you and that you care about the game. We are not 343i so I can't give you much direct advice, but I hope your dream of working there comes true. Marine is 100% right about the "interacting with the community part" You need to be able to listen and take crictism/judgement and answer questions respectfully and control your emotions when people send you hate mail(Since community managers usually get the bulk of the hate mail) Also the whole "Another thing is that you also need to help create some fun game types, and know how to make them. I use Horizon mods for the Halo 4 gametypes I make, it is worth it." is 100% false. The community manager doesn't just go "Hey new gametype idea BOOM" and 343i doesn't hire because you have good ideas. That is handled by the matchmaking team. Another thing I should add is good English skills since you're going to be speaking/writing a lot. Also the ability to withhold information is very important since you're not allowed to comment on rumors and speculation.
  18. That part I am going to disagree with. Maily because games mean a lot to some people and a lot of people play it and still enjoy all the time put into it even when they're older. Of course it is all a matter of opinion. but back on topic everyone. I agree with most of Twins post, competitive players nowadays just want to get some reward out of it(in this case being money)
  19. Already said that but according to SD everything is wrong >:-( I am going to answer again and say the Greater Ark? My previous answer was The Prophets
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